Has the flashplayer option for videos been discontinued? Sometimes my computer will not load the default player, and I noticed that the alternative option doesn't seem to be available for me any more.
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You can control which player is used from the "Settings ... right, then check the "Use FlashPlayer" checkbox and click "Save Changes ... always get the html5 player instead of the flashplayer, regardless of what ... words, iOS devices should work now.
... afterwards I noticed that my flashplayer was out of date. Once ... fixed itself. All my videos now align perfectly in the center ... and can't find the flashplayer setting:
hover your mouse ... is a box with "Use FlashPlayer". Once you uncheck the box ...
LG auto-defaults to Youtube, no way to change that right now.
For other methods, you need to un-check "use flashplayer" in settings:
I keep getting the message "video not found or access denied".
It was working fine till yesterday, I've restarted my computer, deleted cookies, and tried changing the settings to flashplayer.
Is it just me?
... my Mac, and have allowed Flashplayer to run on 7Sage. However ... get a notification saying that Flash was blocked (even though I ... print because of something with Flash. Is there anyone who has ...
Amir, I added a case for the Kindle Fire so it should fallback to our flashplayer. Please let me know if it works. Thanks for bringing this to our attention!
Thanks for letting us know about this, Jeff! I changed your account so that it will use the flashplayer instead of the html5 one. I hope this fixes it for you! If not, please let me know.
... video problems. The main video player hasn't changed since last ... />
Perhaps you are using the flash video player? If you're not ... and seeing if the "Use FlashPlayer" checkbox is checked.
... , please try changing to the flashplayer. To do this, click on ... , check "Use FlashPlayer" and then click "Save Changes". The flashplayer is less ...
Bump. My sound isn't working anymore either. I had downloaded Adobe FlashPlayer and it was working for a moment, but it no longer is. It's the explanation videos and not the LG videos or lesson videos.