@visualcreed said:
Any LR questions I miss on my PT's I'll go over that question type on 7Sage, Manhattan LR, and the Trainer then do a few timed drills.
I'm definitely going to buy the Trainer, but I'm not sure if I'll pick ...
@katherinestein24 said:
Not to take away from any of the advice and encouragement, but do not think for one second you will have a lot of time/bandwidth to study once you start working.
@emli1000 said:
What I did was follow 7Sage's study schedule and implemented Cambridge packets for each section. After I finished the course I started on the Trainer.
Hmm interesting! I just ordered the Trainer, will receive ...
@bSM45LSAT said:
Regarding the trainer though, do you think I should read a chapter a day when I receive it, or wait until I'm done the 7Sage core curriculum?
My basic plan is this: Review 7Sage course, mainly lessons pertaining to LR ...
@emli1000 said:
You'll think 6 months is a long time so you'll study the least possible until you get closer to test date. But honestly you need a lot of time upfront to devote to the LSAT. Especially if you want a high score. By the time the test ...
@bSM45LSAT said:
I've heard so much good stuff about the Trainer, just not sure how it helps, is there practice questions or is a more review type style?
Concepts approached from a slightly different perspective. Might help ...
@blah170blah said:
My diagnostic was a 151, back in October 2013. I got a 166 in February 2015, which was a 4 point drop from my average of 170 leading up until the test. I've been studying for June about 15 hours a week starting in March and am ...
@blah170blah said:
Cambridge is still selling tests, if I recall correctly. Also, see this list: http://7sage.com/discussion/#/discussion/2770/list-of-affordable-pts-paperback-hard-copy
@blah170blah said:
Keeping in mind that the LSAT is not a measure of your intelligence but as something that requires discipline is so important to motivate yourself to overcome plateaus.
@blah170blah said:
Q1: When you take timed sections/drill, do you time yourself? For me, I noticed that my untimed strategies and timed strategies were totally different so it wasn't helpful for me to take untimed anything since they wouldn't ...
@brna0714 said:
Okay, you may or may not like the advice I'm going to give you considering you've already dropped a substantial amount of money on prep courses but I really, really feel it's going to be the quickest way to improve your score. ...
@tom.kinan.311 said:
Q1: Yes! i absolutely time myself; i started with 1:24 per question, then did 4 questions in 5:36 (5 minutes 36 seconds), and worked my way up to 35 mins per sections. My Diagramming is alright, not the greatest, but it has ...
@ddakjiking said:
I think you can get through the 7Sage course in a month but it will be tough to implement any sort of drilling/section drilling/PT's into that timeframe. What exactly is your financial/living situation? Are you living at your ...
@tarren828 said:
I noticed once 7Sage took down the PDFs, the LG bundle was removed from my study schedule. Is there a link to get that bundle integrated back into my studies?
Unfortunately not at the moment, but you can still access ...
@ddakjiking said:
Too many law schools currently open. If the current market of applicants continues to decline or stagnates for a couple years, there could be a few low ranked schools closing.
@TeddyKGB said:
So I for one commend UNT Dallas Law for making a change to the status quo. They're providing an affordable opportunity with realistic expectations.
Word to this—don't forget, Jimmy McGill (Better Call Saul/ ...
@"Quick Silver" said:
Better later with your higher score than earlier with less. That being said, not a bad idea to prep for Sept/Oct and then seeing where you are before deadline to change the date.