... adjunct... or try for a Bigelow or a Clemenko (those are the ... two big ones) teaching fellowship -0 ... or get a PhD along with your ... interim, then apply for a PhD (a top US one or Oxford ...
... need to go to a school with a good IP program. ... that and then after having a conversation they understand the ... ramifications of rushing in with a shitty score and they ... almost always sit out a year. With a sub 150 LSAT ... and I'm assuming sub 3.0 ...
Garbage GPA means you need a legit LSAT... If you have a 4.0 then you can get away with a lower LSAT score. What I wrote above is what is called "targeted advice".
... their practice questions. After a day of soul searching, ... and am kicking ass (-0 or -1 on all the ... clicked for me in a way that TM never ... videotapes Robin giving lectures to a classroom full of students, ... answer choice, has been a godsend for someone who works ...
... the downtown area of a relatively large legal market ... entire country, and a strong tradition with their ... />
(#5) It's a relatively old law school (founded ... already have a work relationship with a civil litigation boutique ... .
FWIW, because it is a median, the schools could only ... wouldn't change it to 0-100 since that is not ... 200 people who each had a 170 then that will be ... 25th, 50th, and 75th. So a school's 75th or 25th ...
... /LSAT. So it is definitely a game changer. There are different ... degrees of being a splitter, but in general there ... sub 3.0 uGPAs. Your addendum will definitely carry a lot of ... work experience will also be a decent soft for you as ...
If you weren't taking any of your PTs under strict timed conditions then you have taken 0 PTs. Cancel December, take a year off, shoot for June and October and just know you'll have to rely on retakes to get you where you need to be.
... and devoting 20-30 hours a week to studying (I work ... been worth its weight in gold. I'm so glad I ... group BR calls. It's a tough, lonely (At times) road ...
... . I normally have been scoring 0 to -1 in my logic ... games for a while but in the 70s ... have come across a couple of games that have ... banging my head. I took a deep breath and started to ...
... />
2 - transferring sets you back, a lot. you wont be able ... to participate in a lot of moot courts, or ... the intention to transfer is a stupid idea, I would just ... people that end up with 0, though it seems most people ...
... card. It's anywhere between -0 to -8 combined, and that ... 's just not a chance you want to take ... Trainer? I only bought it a month before the test, and ... it made a world of difference for my ... , I just had to make a decision due to time). RC ...
That great then. I can buy through this seller. Just prefer a watch that starts at 12 I.e. 0 at 12 and 35 at 7. I will look around for one. Thanks again! :D
... you have $0 then you would likely get a lot of money ... if not a full ride or they might ... put together a package with grants, scholarships and ...
... you're not in the -0 to -2 range on LG ... (for a misread and substitution) then you ... 's likely going to skew a bit worse. That being said ... , there is no upside to a cancellation on or after test ...
... I can go anywhere from -0 to -8 on the LG ...
c. Take a deep breath and a few seconds, even a minute after ... thing when going over a game a second time - you ... made the questions a breeze instead of a brute force ordeal ... or so were more like 0-4 wrong, instead of ...
... and you hammer LG for a month to the point ... where you are consistently hitting -0 (which I think is doable ... then you would get around a 160 best case scenario. That ... , I can't see a good reason why you would ... your score to attend school a year earlier so I urge ...
... and approach. Here's a basketball analogy for you; ... someone how to become a better shooter, makes and ... the makes: -5, -0) for now just make sure ... relates to each other within a passage, always ask yourself ... get discouraged, there is a lot of misinformation out ...