... Euro Aesthetics (18EA) was reasonably goodat explaining all art. This doesn ... doesn't seem like very good evidence. It would be like ... saying I'm reasonably successful at shooting free throws in basketball ...
... only way to get faster at the test. Speed is directly ... answers and (2) being awesome at POE. How do you sharpen ... do this by being really goodat the test.
In no scenario should LG be the place to skip entire parts or slack off whatsoever. LG is really at least 20 free points on the LSAT when you get goodat it. Not putting in the work to max out your LG is just a waste of your taking the LSAT.
Well, assuming that you're really goodat LR and RC to make up for it, then yeah, sure. But, I would advise against it. LG is one of the easier things about the LSAT to get a hang of. Just keep drilling and working away at it.
hey there, i experienced the same thing moving to the newer RCs; what worked best for me was getting really goodat elimination. the readings/questions themselves didn't get more difficult imo but the answer choices contained more traps.
... being stuck where you're at
2 - transferring sets you ... easier. if you have a good GPA and get a high ... 14 and if you're goodat it, even negotiate a scholarship ...
... unless there is a VERY good reason that you NEED to ... my opinion), that leaves you at March 1. With the LSAT ... you're already very, very goodat the test (in which case ...
I don't find your college scholarship case a strenghener for your argument that you are not goodat standardized tests. In fact I don't think that you are not goodat standardized tests is worth mentioning at all.
... look at your opportunity cost. It's true that with a good ... LSAT score (and presumably a good GPA), you ... do and that you are goodat it (which is an extremely ... other people in top positions at firms that I have talked ...
Interesting. You're positive the NA isn't actually necessary? I'm curious about these examples. I didn't look closely at it, but PT 71.S1.Q11 seems to be about pollution. Is that the right reference? PT means PrepTest, right?
... feel. I used to freeze at grouping games. And my advice ... do not have other strategies at the moment right? Sometimes during ... the ones that you are goodat. 4 min for G1 may ...
... . It is useful to do at least 99% of the time ... choices and don't look at them until you have come ... helpful, and once you are goodat it, it saves you a ...