... 're reapplying with a higher GPA or a higher LSATscore, or you have ... the same application materials as a previous application cycle and that ... . But assuming you apply with a stronger application, then no, its ...
... amazing gpa as well as a great LSATscore. Im pretty sure your ... even pushes you further. Also a quick tip I learned from ... a lot of law school students ... countless people who have received a lot of extra money from ...
... . Not so much a reality check, but rather a confirmation of what ... very confident I could get a higher lsatscore next time around. I ... just didn't want to wait a ...
... everyone. Frankly I advise against a JD if (1) tuition ... outside T14 - possible exception being a top regional school but only ...
Furthermore, the cost of a JD from a mill is not much ... academics, isn't preparing a few months for a decent LSATscore doable?
... , haphazard approach to studying - start a book, find it confusing and ... is attending T-14 with a 99% lsatscore. While she believed wholeheartedly ... her own success on the lsat to Mike Kim and The ... LSAT Trainer. (She introduced me to ...
... raise your GPA and get a kickass LSATscore. Why not spend 2 ... worry about the LSAT. Maybe even take a year or two ... Work experience helps a lot, especially for splitters (high LSAT, low GPA ... ).
Take a deep breath, and ...
... -Applied to a bunch of schools without a test score, now everything ... are you from reaching that score?
... able to leverage a new score to get off ... you can not use a new LSATscore to be reconsidered, ... the case a Sept or December LSAT might work ...
... of. It's probably a negative thing if anything. ... and know that having a strong LSATscore can really help you ... jump start a successful legal ... you need on the LSAT, and apply to schools ... on keeping on. The LSAT can be maddening, but ...
... , I've been studying for a year now and I'm ... top scorers. This test is a monster and if you don ... you want to do requires a strong LSATscore, then I really hope ...
... on the transcript. A line drawn through course ... feel you can achieve a guaranteed A in, if possible. ... change with a better GPA and a higher LSATscore. You are ... in a position to ... that LSAT and test when you have the score you ...
I have a close buddy at a T-5 law school. He had almost no extra curricular activities, and 1 year work experience as a student instructor. He had an almost perfect GPA and a strong LSATscore. Those two factors are always more important.
Grades already being locked in the only really major opportunity to level the playing field is a high LSATscore. Take it when you're actually ready, not just when you force yourself to.
... the scholarship potential of the LSAT. The money you can save ... , putting the effort into a high LSATscore gives you unbelievable flexibility in ... on the way to a (hopefully) high score. If you want to ...
... />
You never get a second chance to make a first impression. It ... is best to apply with a higher LSATscore. September take will still ... going to dig around for a fresh PT (I've already ... ), and try to make a decision for a retake off of that score.
I advise against taking the LSAT in September until you feel ... it. Don't take the LSAT because you want to get ... in and over with, a better LSATscore outweighs an earlier application always ...
... to make yourself with your LSATscore. So, it's my understanding ... you're like me and a poor LSATscore forces you to), look ... , if you could up your LSAT to a 175 you'd be ... think about what a mid 170's range score would mean for ...
... Right" said: A 4.0 from a clowning University (assuming ... than a 3.2 with a degree in a STEM field from a ... class and a 3.9 GPA from a community college ... the mediocre GPA with a STEM background is highly ... in that scenario (given a solid LSATscore).