... of time, you're also going to run into a lot of temptations ... for bad study habits, and you ... 's when you need to call it a day/week. When you're recharged ... , back to it.
... . We are going to do a get together this Sunday ... so if you plan on being a regular and to be included ... try to make it. Shoot me a message if you can ... 't due to other plans ... .
... over with a clean slate. You'll be able to move at a somewhat ... more accelerated pace because you ... over and taking your time to really adopt the 7Sage strategies ...
... LR, because if you are even able to always get right ... and honing your focus prior toa test that absolutely requires both ... if you struggle spotting a flaw, you are really going to struggle matching a flaw ... questions will follow. Best to luck! You can do it!
... search on "can you get into a decent law school with ... that I allowed myself to be sucked into comparisons ... competition, who am I to even contemplate applying for ... goes to show that you don't need to put on a show ... My story is complicated, to say the least and I ...
I haven't been able to attend any open houses ... if I'm going to be speaking with professionals ... school, I want to speak to them as aprofessional and potential colleague ... not what I'm going to be projecting.
... they are going to want people who have grown up a bit, and ... who know what it is like to ... be in aprofessional environment. As @"Alex Divine ... " said, taking a couple of ...
... a short dirty guide to SA questions is to FIND THE CONCLUSION! If a ... new variable is brought into the conclusion, you should be ... mention that new variable. Sometimes you get lucky and only one ... Either way, you'd be able to knock off a few ACs confidently ...
Dropping in to give an update. I had my resume reviewed byaprofessional consultant ... perspective it wasn't a skill that a law school admissions committee ...
... s almost sort of like a Why X/LOCI... expressing ... offices seem to not want youto e-mail them unless you had ... something important to say or a ... question, so you're ...
... offices seem to not want youto e-mail them unless you had ... something important to say or a ... question, so you're ... They can't blame you for sharing your excitement to be admitted!
I absolutely agree with you when it comes to learning in a classroom setting ... unemployed, I should be able to handle the intense work in ... />
Please, I would love to hear from other people.
... absolutely agree with you when it comes to learning in a classroom seating ... unemployed, I should be able to handle the intense work in ... to hear from other people.
You ... also used it for almost a year. So your mileage may ...
... is their home market and you will be there all year ... so you will form connections during the ... could be an option if you kill it there. Given Brooklyn ... is cheaper and you want NYC, it beats emory bya long shot ...
... you talking about? 120 to 145 is a very different situation than 155 to ... 180. Where you at ... answer though, you're going to need to adjust your expectations. You can lower ...
... you talking about? 120 to 145 is a very different situation than 155 to ... 180. Where you at ... answer though, you're going to need to adjust your expectations. You can lower ...
... going to be so beneficial. It seems like a knee ... jerk reaction to take multiple tests or sections when you get a ... score you' ... a score doesn't define you. Taking multiple tests to 'prove' that a ...
Untimed, but try to do them as fast as you can while still being confident. You don't want to get into a habit of being way too slow. You could also time them, but not give yourself any time limit just to start getting an awareness of the timing.
I know what you mean. :) Try setting up a time to go over your ... the work because you don't want to look like a slacker! :smiley ... post you know that. Definitely find a way to not skimp it. A lot ... that's where you gains in score are going to come from ...
Not a 1L, but honestly, it depends on you. During my undergrad years ... , I found it extremely hard to ... distracting, but I always tried to print out research papers or ... upside is that you're probably going to be saving a lot more ...
... the stimulus and answer choices to myself and I feel okay ... your problem here. You're not ready to go into the test ... if you're reviewing answers ... how it sounds toyou. You should be able to write out a foolproof argument ...
... your problem here. You're not ready to go into the test ... if you're reviewing answers ... how it sounds toyou. You should be able to write out a foolproof argument ... was wondering if you think it’s super important to actually write ...
... it sounds toyou. You should be able to write out a foolproof argument ... thoughts in your head to what you managed to retain from the ... thoughts were wrong compared to what you retained from the video ... and then expected youto figure out what you did wrong and ...
I second everyone here- I am currently looking for a tutor and have contacted the listed tutors to set up a consult, feel free to pm me. Make sure they are in line with 7sage esp. for games.
... you must) PTs a week, but dedicate one day to PT, the next to ... BR and review, and then restart the cycle. You don ... 't want to BR on a super tired brain ... BR is getting to that clarity that will show you the right ...
... you must) PTs a week, but dedicate one day to PT, the next to ... the cycle. You don't want to BR on a super tired brain ... BR is getting to that clarity that will show you the right ... going back over what you'd decided on a few hours before?
... help you figure out how to best employ a skipping strategy. While you' ... . While you're doing a BR, really pay attention to what those ... questions and answer choices look like. If you see a ... similar question in the future, there's a good ...