... a stimulus that you don't understand the first time, ... on a question you don't understand. SKIP IT! Also, ... don't feel bad about skipping ... 15 in 15. I haven'tgotten good enough to do this ... those easier questions**, don't let overthinking rob you of ...
... many PA schools that aren't in my reach. My undergrad ... majors etc etc etc (didn't come easy since I'm ... the point that I can't breathe and I know it ... 'm capable of. Anyway, I haven'tgotten down the LR but my ...
... incompetent and they just don't care. The people who I ... ; 24 hours later I still haven't heard from them. ProctorU finally ... fixed it (but I still haven'tgotten the confirming email for the ...
@karko2525 How long did it take you to get the interview link from Northwestern? It might be because I submitted over the holidays but I still haven'tgotten any communication from them since I submitted my app.
For LR I'd recommend the Loophole since if you are getting things wrong at that level it's likely because you haven'tgotten the concepts down. Also remember to take breaks between your PTs
... ; @jjjooee3000 said:
> Couldn't agree with @"Krystell C." more ... feel like I still don’t fully comprehend how to solve ... lot! I guess because I haven’tgotten to the logic game point ... times I feel like I haven’t really learned much. I plan ...