... forgetting the LR material. How do you all balance going back and ... week? Wondering if any of you have any strategies for progressing ... sections and not feeling like you're neglecting one of them ...
When taking PTs/the real test, do you hide your timer? Or do you keep it visible in the top-right corner? I'm not sure what the best practice is or if there is one. I've always hidden my timer while drilling but I'm curious to hear others' opinions.
... . I'm curious to know howyou all balance the information from ... the different resources you are getting, especially when the ... for taking the test. How do you study both at the same ...
Hello, hope your days are going well and ... grateful if you could share howdidyou get the review of your personal statements ... .
Happy to hear any of your experiences ...
... premise and be right, but how rare is it after PT75 ... of never attack the premises. How often is it seen in ... ? If it is often, howdidyou guys adjust your process of thought in ...
Out of curiosity, do you guys warm up before ... for each section and how do you make your selection of questions?< ... br />
For example, for LR do youchoose ... (like the question reminds you of certain fundamentals or concepts ...
... I don’t even know how to chose or what to ... you have to take it upon yourself to work them into your ... studying. What classes or series of classes or teachers would you ... recommend starting with, and howdidyou work them into your syllabus?
... would feel day of. But how do you do this?
< ... br />
Do you make a drill with it ... item tags? What do you do then with the drill ... in effect if you do this because you're just taking ... questions from a section so you can't control the ...
How do you guys study for LSATS after the core curriculum? Like how many practice tests do you guys take a week? I work full time so I can mostly just do practice tests over the weekend. Do I just do drills the other days and which drills should I do?
Howdidyou get accepted to your #1 choice before taking the lsat? I thought lsat is 80% of the admission decision. Unless you never have taken the lsat before lol
... a test day problem. How many PTs didyou do? How were theyu? Loosely ... night/early morning/midday? didyou have your snack in the break? They ... .
Make sure you rotate your prep(through all 3 sections ...
If you don't mind me asking, howdidyou study for the test? What was your weakest section and howdidyou overcome that? Didyou retake or do well the first time around?
@"Nilesh S" Howdidyou comment faster than me? You're like a wizard...
@shine.on.me It's a good point that a higher score in Dec. is better than a lower score in Oct... Definitely something to think about when considering your test date.
@Jengibre That RC ... the more questions you do the better your pattern recognition gets ... together in a binder. Howdidyou isolate each given question in ... to characterize it? Do you write them by hand, ...