A newbie here. I am really, really slow at ... reading RCs and LRs and I can never finish them timed ... like really slow, howdoI get faster with time? I know it is hard ... . could be helpful for me. I really don't have a ...
This is both a general question and a question directed to any person who is reading this (howdo you drill?)
Let's say I miss a few weaken questions on my latest PT, is there a certain amount of weaken questions that I should drill? say, 10 or 15?
I accidentally hit score prep test without Ann of the answers filled in and cannot figure out how to reset the score card so I can enter the answers fully. HowdoI reset it? Thanks :D
... a probably score plateau. I use skipping strategies and ... very challenging. I often think, "how am I supposed to tackle ... in an LR section, how did you feel when ... had control over it? How many questions were you ... many flaws, probably :'(). I'd like to inquire into ...
Hi, all! I'm thinking about purchasing ... that, but figured I'd ask. I'm an advanced-degree ... be personal, per se). I can see from some other ... you, yet also personal. So howdoI get my life down to ... page resume and/or should I? Has anyone else experienced ...
... howI should go about negotiating for more money at the school I ... getting 75% at another school. HowdoI ask for 75% of the ... />
I would appreciate it if maybe people can share how they ...
I got stuck on a few ... realize were difficult until I spent 2 minutes on ... passage, which I found the hardest since I had no ... but -- howdo you know when to skip? HowdoI know if ... versa.
... sets or take PTs, I try to review by watching ... always says discuss instead. HowdoI watch solutions of LR videos ... of questions that I failed after taking them? ... This frustrates me because I don't get to see ... the mistakes that I made to get better.
There's probably a simple answer to this, but I am at a loss. HowdoI make sure that questions I got wrong and "pinned" get put back into the pool of questions for later? Thank you!.
Hello- I am wanting to retake some of the practice tests because I am ahead of schedule for my test date. How can I go back and retake/delete the test I have previously taken?
... identified a problem that I have no idea how to approach. In ... any given section, I will ... realistically complex (3s or 4s). HowdoI stop myself from second-guessing ... to outsmart the test writers? Howdo y'all convince yourselves that ...
Second, howdoI get the most out of ... exam, what measures should I take? Should I go through all the ... In terms of reading comp, doI re read the passages to ... />
Also, howdoI get better with time? I tried to do the regular 35 ...
HowdoIprint out prep tests? Before there was a view pdf blue button which would then provide me a passwork to my email, however this option no longer shows up.
... since the end of May, I’m taking the September and ... now the last thing I want to do is sit down and ... practice tests. I know I’m burnt out but I need to raise ... , does anyone have advice on how to deal with this?
Ink is so expensive. For fool proofing LG, how many copies do you print out? I heard about this method an earlier member posted about for proofing LG that saved a lot of paper, does anyone know what I am talking about?
Hi all, I think my problem with LR right now is ... time to do a thorough second round. I have tried ... second round. Ido try and skip questions--I skip around 3 ... br />
If I had 10 full minutes, I really think I could get ... in 25 minutes--how did you do it??
... . Your library is infested with rats and you probably contracted ... studying the stimulus, coming up with potential pre-phrases ( this ... , it punishes careless reading with trap answer choices designed to ... on how to handle the dreaded down to 2, what doIdo ...
... same as the score I've started out with (-9 mostly on ... RC), which is frustrating. Ido blind reviews and every time ... passages. I feel like every time I blind review, I'm just ... specific passage, but not know how to effectively tackle new questions ...