... -July test PT numbers as you. That post-test bump really ... this feel shitty.
Doyouknowif schools can see the cancellation ... for the July test, or if it even matters? I have ... to take the October test if I cancel. Would that be ...
Howdoyouknow what time/day you will be assigned to for the LSAT-Flex? I registered for November and it still showed in-person, even though it went online... Do I need to sign up or do they put me in a random day? #help I'm super stressed about it
@legallytired I took mine on 9/11 and I'm basically assuming I won't get my score back tomorrow :'( Doyouknowif score preview starts when we get our score back or when scores are released in general?
@tahurrrrr the reasoning above the graph says for my example inputs: getting 22 incorrect answers on the 10 most recent PT's would result in a _scaled_ score of __. Doyouknowif our raw PT scores just aren't scaled?
... a similar boat. Doyouknow what the reasoning is behind not taking a ... " to some degree. Was planning on resting just Friday and Saturday ... />
Best of luck to you too!
... I mean is that you still have that 163 onyour record and it ... can't be taken from you, but ifyour goal is ... to think that a 163 isyour typical score because of one ... hope this helps! And congrats ifyou're done with your LSAT journey!