I unfortunately burned through most the more recent PTs in the 65-80s but have to take this summer off anyway from studying ... howlong would you wait to retake the most recent PTs as an accurate indicator? Is 3 months enough to forget?
Howlong should the LSAT Writing Essay be? The reason I am asking is because I have extra time (1.5x), and I don't want to make the writing sample too long. Thanks so much. #help
LSAC told me that my test session was being reviewed; howlong do I need to wait for the score to be released? My writing portion was done prior to the April exam and not getting a score has made me anxious.
I know there are a few posts regarding the same topic but I don't think there has been one after the June 2022 elongation announcement, so here it goes.
I just found the "simulate FLEX" function for PTs. I am thinking of applying to law ...
Those of you who have managed to study while working full time.. howlong did it take you to reach your dream score? any tips/advice on time management/ study schedule?
I feel like 7Sage would have the data on howlong it takes perfect scorers to read the passage. I wish they would display this target time, especially given how crucial reading the passage (to understand it) is to going through the questions quickly.
Has anyone had to file a formal complaint with LSAC about tech issues/wanting to retake? I filed yesterday and I’m wondering howlong until I hear back…the retest is less than a week away so I need to know soon…
Hey guys what is the best way to Blind Review a practice exam. Please be detailed about it. I want to know howlong also it take you guys on average to BR a full length practice exam ? Thank you so much in advanced
It seems this current cycle is not as hectic as the past one, but still a difficult one! I submitted my applications at end of November/beginning of December, and I’m still waiting to hear back from most schools. Would anyone be interested in having a ( ...
... . I don't know for howlong, and I don't expect ... />
Check-in days/talk about how its going plans for the ... open, and go more on how I am performing/feeling/confidence ...
So next to all lessons on the syllabus there is an estimated time it takes to complete that lesson. Do you all find the estimate to be a reasonable amount of time per lesson?
I am asking because I just spent about an hour and a half on a ...