How much time doyou have at the end of ... to check my circled questions and dashed questions. You could work on a ... marking strategy for questions that you ... suspect may be hastily answered so you can ...
Howmany games have you foolproofed? If you've only been doing a few games per week, then I'd say that's totally normal. You have to foolproof a high volume of games beforeyou really feel super confident in every single game.
... Doyou cross the whole AC for acceptable situation questions? Doyou focus on the questions ... that come with additional premises/conditionals first before ... of questions or inferences you miss? And lastly, doyou tape ...
Basically, "you have a ... must have worn gloves. How the hell doyou come to that conclusion ... , just by the fact that you ... to make reject many assumptions and make many assumptions to get ...
... of the material. How much time doyou have at the end ... LR section? Doyou have a skipping strategy? When doyou decide to ... time being)? Doyou have a system of marking questionsyou want to ...
For RC, doyou have an exit strategy -- when doyou decide that a ...
... compare). You have to first understand how to properly do BR beforeyou can ... understand your weaknesses, and you have ... understand your weaknesses beforeyou can start improving. You probably have ...
... it, but I often wondered how being an older, non-traditional ... , some people say that if you are a 30+ year old ... "why law, and why now" questions. Doyou have an opinion on that?
... it, but I often wondered how being an older, non-traditional ... , some people say that if you are a 30+ year old ... "why law, and why now" questions. Doyou have an opinion on that ...
... focused on law school-specific questions. Just be yourself!
& ... interview lol. What else did youdo on your visit? I’m ... focused on law school-specific questions which shows interest. I've ... they don't ask too manyquestions of you, but rather expect _you_ ...
... improve as I worked through PT's 1-60. However ... is that drilling earlier PT's is not helping ... appreciate any advice on how to improve and learn ... Howmany Qs did you miss on average from PT 1 to 60? And howmany ... more Qs did you ...
Howmany schools did you apply to? Also, once you're on the wait-list ... all you can do is wait and eventually ... interest). I also recommend that you avoid pestering admissions officers as ... they may just reject you to get you off their back.
... of the hardest questions on the section. If you could go 2 ... 4 questions on the section, that's pretty good. Maybe you ... you feel overcommitted at this point. You aren't. If you start over, you ... answering your question as to howmanyquestions I move on from in ...
> @tina_gk said:
> howmanyquestions are in test bank in ... questions from ALL the exams (1-86). I would strongly encourage you ... been very helpful. It allows you create your own problem sets ...
Howmany times did youdo each game when you foolprooed 1-35 in your ... process? Foolproofing implies that you literally do games over and over ( ... sometimes 10x) until you 100% master ...
I would make sure you can do the unusual games in 1 ...
Hello! Doyou mind if I ask howmany logic games you have fool proofed? (A ... fool proof method BUT if you still seem to have trouble ... be met (let me know howmany games and I will continue ...
... />
What youdo is, look at howmany credit hours you have for each ... grade. Say, if you got ... worth 4 credits each, you enter 12 next to the ... So basically, you need to add up howmany credit hours you have for ...
... 's almost as if you have to identify that ... future questions. Doyou have any suggestion as to how I can do that ... , a lot of times you have to reverse engineer it ... a wrong AC that you chose. What would make ... that if you can answer that you can see howyou were ...
... I have a few questions: How much time doyou have left at the ... get a sense where you are)? What do your analytics say about ... the question types you're ... missing? Any patterns? Also, how are you drilling LR ...