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I've had my personalstatement proofread by 3 individuals (two ... firm) and they love the statement but have trouble with the ... " at the beginning of my statement.
Does the personalstatement necessarily need to be focused on a recent moment in our lives? Could we talk about an event that happened before college, as long as it references a hobby that you intermittently do to this day?
Howmany PT in total are we generally advised to take, prior to the actual exam? I will finish the core curriculum soon and will have about one month to take pt's. Is that enough? (taking the sep lsat)
I am wondering how long it took you all to start going -0 to -1 on LG. Howmany LG sections did you complete by the time you started hitting that -0/-1 consistently?
... process of firming up my personalstatement with the goal of having ... would be interested in a statement swap or providing me some ... feedback on my statement?
So Duke's personalstatement prompt is a bit different ... significant experiences, and career and personal goals. The issue is I ... of that with my diversity statement and my "Why Duke" essay ...
... whether the topic of my personalstatement, two experiences hiking and camping ... under the impression that the personalstatement implicitly wanted to know "why ...
I just finished a first draft of my personalstatement. Would anyone be willing to take a look and provide some feedback? I would really appreciate it. I don't mind swapping essays.