... the test. I had a very similar breakdown on ... diagnostic. I got a 150 and was stronger ... howtoapproach LG at first. I think I got almost every LG question ... wrong lol. However, since then, I have improved a ... have taken a break from PTs to foolproof more ...
... I knew howtoapproach it. To answer your question directly, 7sage helps a lot, ... primarily by breaking down games to ... 't seem to really get much past a score of ... it is a good place to get a decent score boost to get your ...
usually test in high 150s to low 160s with a few 165s. I ... have a solid grasp on all the LR question types (e.g., howtoapproach ... and discern wrong from right when im down to two ...
... think you've misunderstood my point. Once you achieve mastery of ... your explanation of howto do aquestion is 'look at question #X', you' ... way you know howto efficiently dispose of that question. The former ... of the game, at which point even if you go back ...
... a minimum of a year for this test! Now onto your question ... 't have a game plan at howtoapproach certain question types and ... know what to look for, ... familiarity. Im not sure how many practice exams or drills ...
... gt; I'd like topoint out to future bidders for U of ... a lot of feedback about howto frame different answers and howto structure a response to ... , I think there were two main reasons.
... bad luck to have three different main counselors because ...
... and, before moving to the next, summarize ... a theory is presented.") Second, briefly state to yourself the mainpoint of ... the paragraph (ex: "fish farms are toxic to ... together and think about how the paragraphs are interrelated ...
... exactly how I'm going toapproach things day to day and class to class ... learned howto swim. To prove apoint, he read a book about howto swim, took a boat ... curve is kinda an absurd approachto grading and ultimately, I think ...
... the BR method but had aquestion on howtoapproach review after BR, particularly ... your approachto JY's approach. For example, if it is a flaw question, did ... , or a concept in the stimulus, or your approach for the question type ...
... .3.21 is an RC mainpointquestion about Native American land use ... be missing the point, non-applicable to future questions, missing a critical nuance ... 's my response generally. Specifically to this question, you're doing the ...
... will drastically make you a master in LR. To become great at ... putting in the time to drill and knowing howtoapproach the different LR ... the Loophole is that its a different point of view. Its consistently ... have the time to spend an hour a day to just read and ...
... initial video plus a few example videos to see if there ... of Reasoning, watch the "HowtoApproach Parallel Method of Reasoning Questions ... several of the first "PM Question" videos. Don't watch ... helped you consider a different way toapproach the problems than ...
A necessary assumption (the correct ... The correct answer for a necessary assumption is something ... the above Necessary assumption question is something that ... />
... in September and scored a 142 consistently for 2 ... understood the exam and howtoapproach each question type so I was ... improvement, was an obvious sign to take a step back.
< ... spend 45 minutes reviewing a logical reasoning question until I fully ...
... t changing my conceptualization of howtoapproach the games and solve them ... videos just go through each question in order, and each answer ... in order with just a simple explanation of why ... have really struggled with getting toa high logic games score. ...
... question types in months. My issue was in learning to ... making them into different question types, it really made ... all the question types and being able to predict the ... question by blocking that possiblity. You do a great job breaking down howtoapproach ...
... question, I often found it helpful to tackle 4 logic games at a ... between when you need toapproachaquestion by diagramming a new scenario, and when ... and pay attention to the exact point that you began to misinterpret the ...
... reached a game that was a bit unique).
3) To save ... Make a list of tips and tricks on howtoapproach each LR question type ... that works for you
6) Remind yourself to ... that youre in a bad state, take a second to regroup and ...
... reached a game that was a bit unique).
> 3) To ... Make a list of tips and tricks on howtoapproach each LR question type ... that works for you
> 6) Remind yourself to ... that youre in a bad state, take a second to regroup and ...
I think this is a common spot to plateau. Between timing and ... gave me a simple tip that erased my weakest question type ... gotten a single mainpointquestion wrong since then when I used to get a third ... was very lucky to have a solid group to start with and ...
... pretty much never going to change a LR question again.
That ... news is, I'm down to an average of about -2 ... 's where I'm going to try to focus moving forward. I ... apparently I'm unable to understand the mainpoint of a 4 paragraph article ...
... sure. It took me a long time to improve, and I ... a tip she gave me. The trick is flag every single mainpointquestion ... least one MainPoint RC wrong on every test to not getting a single ... articles and work really hard to understand anything difficult. That ...
... sure. It took me a long time to improve, and I don ... a tip she gave me. The trick is flag every single mainpointquestion ... least one MainPoint RC wrong on every test to not getting a single ... articles and work really hard to understand anything difficult. That ...
... just looked in my notes to confirm, but it WASN'T ... library, but then picked up a 2018-19 copy for cheap ... as a reference guide when I had to return the ... - around the start of the MainPointquestion type.
... in my family to go to university, and a first generation Canadian ... a GPA taught me nothing on howtoapproach the LSAT. What I came to ... LSAT, I learned I had toquestion everything and think critically, what ... For RC, try to read a passage or two a day and it ...
... in Powerscore (in a more complicated, time-consuming approach), to 7sage (which strips ... for a basic understanding of all games and all question types and howtoapproach ... them. I plan to get through ...
... a link to an example of how I break down a stimulus for a science question ... . But gradually I started to train my brain toapproacha stimulus, translate and ... added a wrong a wrong answer journal to really break down I got aquestion ...