... drawing way too many boards on logic games. Whenever a question introduces ... my head- I need to be able to visualize it. I've ... . What should I be doing to help this? Will I make ... a month and would love to address this soon.
... difficulty writing my addendum to explain my two LSAT ... in September but panicked on the exam and performed ... I have no idea howto spin that in a compelling ... my applications. Any advice on what to say in my addendum ... no idea what to write or howto word it...
Hey everyone I am scoring at 150, but I want to get a 165 does anyone have any good suggestions for improving reading comprehension I usually get 12-14 correct on these sections.
... about -4 on LR and -0 to -4 on LG. Because ... of the inconsistencies on my practice ... am looking for any tips onhow I can achieve my ... also have a tendency to overestimate how well I have done ... aware that I have to really spend the time ...
... but I have no idea howto study. My college degree ( ... I realized that in order to succeed on the LSAT and beyond ... , I need to roll my sleeves ... a perfectionist and would like to do as well as ... you guys do to study for the LSAT? How do you ...
... all incredibly useful tools to hone in on our weaknesses and easily ... analytics, and being able to make notes on each question while doing ... I missed and notes on them and needless to say discovering 7sage ... us where they are and howto best use them!
... of extra time on the exam to compensate for that. ... trying to get at least a 165 on the ... the best way toimprove was working on my LR section ... more. And I'm really trying toimprove ... questions right before moving on but that strategy completely ...
... have been getting so close to perfect on LG sections each time ... I take, but I seem to get ... moon, leading to scores anywhere from -1/-3. How do I keep ...
... that the curriculum exclusively focuses on 'most' in that context ... Section 1 Question 24 trying to translate the 'most' ' ... if you just focus on the other elements of ... has no answer for howto deal with the application ... context on the LSAT. I find it hard to push ...
... have noticed a pattern in how I'm getting questions ... the questions I need to work on most and slowly increase ... and as I'm getting to the 4/5 level ... stimulus and where I have to look I'm still ... drill? Or any ideas of howtoimprove this skill?
I'm looking toimproveon LR ... mixed drill and how do I divide them based on their difficulty ... drill them separately? If so, how many questions should I add ... my drill and how many of each based on their difficulty range ...
... your diagnostic score. Depending on what your weaknesses are, ... ). The answer to this question depends on a couple of ... games are much easier and faster toimproveon than RC/LR.
2) How ... much time can/are willing to ...
I'm not sure how bad PT 72 actually is ... .O.. I probably did better on it over all than the ... and I did poorly compared to other PTs I've taken ... difference the test had to me, wonky LG games. If that's ... ! It's the fastest section toimproveon :)!
... points to get you into 170 territory. Assuming you max out games ... 'll get there or close; games are definitely most learnable and ... .com/forums/discussion/3278/how-to-improve-reading-speed-on-rc#latest
... reply these wonderful comments immediately on the other day, because my ... , since I decide to take my first LSAT on this December, so ... also felt I need toimprove my logical games so badly. When I ... me.
... wrong and what I need toimproveon, use flashcards for strategies and ... and then recycling games I've already done to make sure I ... such a massive improvement from how I started out which was ... and instead of doing individual games and timing them individually (if ...
... :
I'm trying to significantly improveon logic games. If I study every ... might not have to spend a lot of time. On the other ... a tremendous amount of time to get there. The long and ... as it takes for you to get to -0 per section consistently.
That being said, vacillating erratically on a section is a pretty ... think you need to hone some consistency. How are your ... also notoriously the hardest section toimproveon. LR is a little ... improvement. You may need to drill some games. Why is the ...
... tough toimproveon. LR and Games have skills you can really work to acquire ... section I'm qualified to offer advice on, not that that stops ... ? What is your annotation strategy? How much time are you spending ... many things it could be. How is your LR coming along ...
... are not allowed to ask for advice onhowtoimprove, and unless ... wild fluctuations in the games, then drill the hell ... absolutely nail the easy games in 5--7 minutes ... that your RC scores improve after practice - by ... same thing with games - I need to do at least ...
... . If yes to the last question, any tips onhowto efficiently and strategically ... , as logic games are generally the easiest and quickest section toimproveon. to consider.
... you can improve rapidly on LG without inventing the wheel thanks to 7Sage ... you watching focus mostly onhow he teaches to perceive the right answer ... /lesson/fool-proof-guide-to-perfection-on-logic-games/
... you can improve rapidly on LG without inventing the wheel thanks to 7Sage ... you watching focus mostly onhow he teaches to perceive the right answer ... /lesson/fool-proof-guide-to-perfection-on-logic-games/