I've been having issues with Link Assumption and Conditional Reasoning questions. Does anyone have any good resources (7sage live classes, syllabus, outside books, etc.) they suggest toimproveon these questions types?
Hello peeps, I will be taking LSAT in January. I have been struggling with RC. I am mostly getting -16 to anywhere -20 and I am finding it difficult toimproveon it. Any advice or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
I need toimproveon weaken, flaw, and NA questions ... mostly. To a lesser degree, I need to work on PSA/SA ... I will be able to maximize my potential on LR by the ... time it is time to take ...
... Anyway, I just want to tell you that you should ... momentum going! You seem to have mastered 2 parts out ... just 1 toimproveon. And who knows, maybe on the test ... day the LSAT evil decides to give ... you a break on LR and ...
I often find Economist articles to resemble LSAT questions in style as well as content:
... 2014 test. Would preferably like to study in person but alternatively ... . PTing around 160 and looking toimproveon LR and RC. In order ... most tests and explanations on my computer. Looking to PT at 168 ... change in test conditions) and to score a 165+.
< ...
Toimproveon LR, I don't think it is enough just to keep practicing preptests. You need to apply your knowledge of logic to the tests, rather than learn logic from them. Here is a useful link I found http://philosophy.lander.edu/logic/tvs.html
... , if you were to get 16 correct on the Logic Games instead ... , 166 (depends on each individual test). If you were to get 20 ... 160 with only 6 correct on the LG section is phenomenal ... repetitive, are the easiest questions toimproveon. Put some practice in (7sage ...
Have you taken a PT yet, or are you just drilling individual problems/sets/games? When you take a PT, 7sage has some AMAZING tools to help you see where you're at and what you need toimproveon.
... as I'm usually -0 on them now, but RC I ... struggle with improving on even in BR. For RC ... for some SA (I need toimproveon them) and the curve breakers ...
It's really great for training in terms of focus. Meditation teaches howto focus on the particular task at hand. It's such a crucial and foundational element needed for LSAT prep in my view. I only wish I did it a lot sooner.
... fresh PT's for closer to game time. I wouldnt ... what you picked/change to is right and everything ... that, it is the easiest toimproveon. a 163 BR score ... issue somewhere. you want to be in the 170's ... know you are relatively sound on fundamentals (180 is when ...
... think what I am going to do is break PTs ... and work my way up to timed sections, giving myself a ... through the lessons and try toimproveon that given question type. And ... I definitely am going to try and be much more ... much and best of luck to you all in your ...
... . LG is the easiest section toimproveon, so it may be in ... your favor to retake in June with more ... belt. This, of course, depends on your school of choice, but ... thousands of dollars saved depending on the institution. Good luck!
Yeah, stick to the regular BR method. If you are just starting out in the LSAT journey, you could do a bit of untimed work just toimproveon accuracy, but wouldn't recommend this once you are in the groove of studying.
... I made it a priority toimproveon LR because that's 50 ... your score. I used to get more than -15 wrong ... section and now down to -2 to -5 per LR section ... long shot, that is hardest toimproveon. It took me months ... from -15 or more on RC to barely -7 and still ...
I agree. Drill, drill, drill, and really focus on identifying WHY each of the answers are wrong compared to why the right answer is the right answer. Identify your weak and struggling areas and try toimproveon those the most.
... area seems to be giving you the most trouble on PTs? I ... rather frustrating battle for me toimproveon those, but 7S has been ... clue what to do with a game, to being able to complete games ... 's worth - would be to try to identify the areas where you ...
If you want toimproveon the flaw questions, try work through the flaw section of the LSAT trainer... it complements 7sage very well and gives you mini flaw spotting exercises through its drills that fine tune your abilities.
... 3 times. And then move onto the next set. Once ... again. I'm actually working on PT 10 today. I ... just keep working on LG every day. 1 ... It has helped a lot on the LG sections where I ... me longer to complete than others so I want toimproveon my timing ...