... My goal score is around a 169 and about a month ago I ... hit it since and have been averaging around a 163-164. ... take a PT my scores drop. Should I chance it and ... my test day focus and knowledge of the content ... with my skill set and not reflective of an ...
... week and try to study 2 hours a day every weekday and up ... to 4 hours a day ... ). Right now my average is about a 164, and I would love someone ...
... for a while now 6+ months and my score is at a stagnant and ... constant 15/27. I do the problems and ... do blind review and still have issues ... -3 on each passage and I don't know how ... I'm feeling stuck and I am open to any ...
... . June 2007 Game 3). Is there a quick and easy trick to doing ... this? I find it involves a ... lot of overthinking andisa slow process for me ...
... out of curiosity, why is the "normal" way to ... the fact this is $60 a month and I am getting ... taught different ways of handling a game then ... great that visually it is cleaner to use shapes ... but I am not a fan and want the regular ...
Just took a PT and my pre-blind review score was almost ... 4 points below by usual pre-BR average)
... to make sure that, even if I am not at my ... another bad day like this and get a bad score, despite all ... studying for over a year at this point and I've ...
... good vibes for a stress-free retake ... and spent days angry and upset about it. Then, I scored a 179 on a ... is that they were a blessing in disguise. The LSAT is like a lottery -- and ... The score I want is already mine. The score ... you want is already yours. Let ...
LOL! I know what you are feeling. Keep in mind this is only a test and one you can re-write without too much penalty from most law schools. It is not like you are awaiting a medical diagnosis.
on another note, I see they ask if english is your dominant language and whether you have english fluency, If english is my second language and I am fluent, but bubble it not fluent would that effect anything?
... considerations. If you keep your Dec score and take another LSAT, then your ... Dec score might be a good option IF you are ABSOLUTELY sure ... retake. And of course it makes a difference. A 177 could mean a full ...
... long term goal. LSAT is just a step anda tiny bump in the ... don't think motivation isa problem, and prevents burn out from studying ... logic and why this answer choice is wrong or right. Keeping a goal ...
Career goals? How will you be financing the $? I assume you have a decent gpa if you got into a T25 school but if you study for a retake and score really high 165+, you could be looking at almost a fully scholarship at your regional.
@VegMeg55 amen to all that—once I get my kitchen back I'm back to that meal prep. My grocery budget is $70 a week and I eat all organic with lots of meat :) Buying that stuff at my paleo prepared meals place is like ... $130+ a week.
... don't think that anyone is arguing that the pencils actually ... advantage. If this is the sort of thing that we enjoy, then that ... out the "best pencil" is just a sort of natural continuation of ...
... then after checking this on the syllabus, if you collapse a section and ... refresh the page then it opens ... I have used the checkmarks and stars to navigate effectively, ... might be annoying to someone if that's how they ...
... absolutely take a photo of an obvious diaper wearer and share ... />
Seriously, what if you saw such a person andthen you ended up ... feel like if you wore diapers to your LSAT and showed up ... to law school and someone there had seen you, then ...
... time if time is what you want-- focus on accuracy if accuracy is ... what you want-- and ... go back and forth ... hitting both the accuracy and timing that you want.
@Albertoduro1xx said:
I was just wondering whether or not if that was recommended for test takers or if that is just a technique he uses for the videos.
Totes recommend it, as do others such as Mike Kim of the LSAT Trainer.
... The conditional should be A--->[Not(B---> ... Not C). So if there is an A, then there are some Bs ... that aren't Cs. My question is ... whether or not this is the most ... B--->C)--->Not A. Does this imply B ...
... flaw in my argument. If it is indeed a flaw as common as ... you say it is, I'm ... sure it would help some students if you ... asserting that you "believe" a certain thing is true is not particularly persuasive.
Yeah age is just a number and going to law school ... to handle stress better, and sometimes your real world experience ... get lost in outlines and supplements and start having an unhealthy ... maintain perspective. Being older and having experience really helps with ...