**Interview skills & clear narrative for ... the topics you want the interview to cover. **Remember, your ... picking different offices to interview with at particular firms ...
... that officers deviating from cognitive interview techniques is problematic because it ... might make the cognitive interview less effective. I eliminated it ... officers deviating from the cognitive interview techniques is problematic, they doesn ...
I'm on waitlist for NYU and I got a Kira invite-to do an interview. Any and all advice welcome and what kind of questions are they likely to ask, that I should be practicing? (other than why law/why NYU)
I'm a non-URM with a 4.0 and a 172. PT average about the same with a few (recent) scores between 174 and 177. Is it worth taking again in November? My top choices are Michigan and Northwestern.
A lot of the example interview questions I've seen online seem to overlap with some of the content covered in essays (why law? why now? etc). Are there any tips to bring up new information/not sound too redundant?
Not really. Not for Northwestern. Especially with OP's GPA a 161 wont do it. Even a 168 would be tough to get in/much more than just sticker.
... would highly retake if Northwestern is your goal. You ... statement and situation where Northwestern would make an exception ... into your acceptance from Northwestern, especially considering how formulaic ... even considered before where Northwestern becomes a safety ...
Unfortunately, I know Northwestern won't happen this year... I missed their application deadline. It was before the February release and I didn't want to waste the money applying without knowing my raw numbers would at least get my application a glance.