
Kaizen099Kaizen099 Free Trial Member
edited December 2019 in General 110 karma


  • KatherineKatherine Alum Member
    136 karma
    Hi Kaizen,

    The majority of law schools will accept December as the latest possible LSAT for the following year. Check with any specific schools you are aiming for. A lot of them list that information on their admissions FAQ.

    Good luck!

  • tanes256tanes256 Alum Member
    2573 karma
    I have the same question. I was thinking all was well as long as everything for the app is submitted before deadline. Good idea to check with the schools though.
  • emmajoru1emmajoru1 Free Trial Member
    37 karma
    I went ahead and simply emailed the admissions office at the school that I'm hoping to attend. They responded promptly and said that a Feb. LSAT score would not be too late for fall 2014 admission and that I'd still be eligible for scholarships. My school of choice is Hamline U in St. Paul, MN (they have one of only two PT weekend J.D programs in the country!).
  • emmajoru1emmajoru1 Free Trial Member
    37 karma
    Is anyone else going to take the Feb. 2014 LSAT for possible 2014 admission?
  • ZphiB121406ZphiB121406 Alum Member
    19 karma
    Yes, I am. Both schools I'm applying to admissions deadlines are 4/15 and 5/15.
  • tanes256tanes256 Alum Member
    2573 karma
    I am. Hopefully I'm still eligible for scholarships too.
  • Kaizen099Kaizen099 Free Trial Member
    edited December 2019 110 karma
  • emmajoru1emmajoru1 Free Trial Member
    37 karma
    I am concerned about the same thing . . . I did contact admissions at the school I hope to attend and they said that yes, scholarship opportunities would still be available even as a later enrollee, so, maybe you could do that to? Contact admissions.
  • cmanhattan24cmanhattan24 Free Trial Member
    3 karma
    It just depends on the school.
  • cloy26260cloy26260 Alum Member
    46 karma
    I'm applying to my safety schools w/ my Oct score within the week and retaking in Feb for *hopefully* some acceptances to higher ranked schools.
  • E.T.90066-1E.T.90066-1 Alum Member
    377 karma
    @Cloy26260, nice strategy, I think I will do the same.
  • Drini925Drini925 Member
    67 karma
    i had a friend that applied to law school twice. they did this (used Feb LSAT scores) the first time around and were not happy with the results. the second time around they were accepted into higher ranked schools with more scholarship opportunities. so it really depends on what your end goal is.
  • ichirosuzukiichirosuzuki Free Trial Member
    9 karma
    As I received a very dissapointing Dec. 2013 score, I will try to take the Feb 2014 test in hope of getting in for the 2014 admission cycle. The school that I am aiming for will accept Feb. scores: their application deadline is 3/15. A friend of mine was able to use his June test score to get into school for Aug. for that same year (2013 admission cycle).
  • Alexandra3-2Alexandra3-2 Free Trial Member
    74 karma
    Guys & Gals, due to the lower percentages of law school admissions, LSAT takers and the inclement weather in certain areas, a LOT of schools are now accepting Feb 2014 scores - including Harvard (for anyone considering). My dream school - Albany Law in Albany, NY- has even extended the Fall 2014 admission to JUNE 2014!!! (they will even accept June 2014 LSAT scores for the Fall 2014 school year!!!). Don't give up guys! We can do it!
  • agrant18agrant18 Free Trial Member
    11 karma
    THANKS Alexandra! I really hope that you get into your dream school. =) I don't have a dream school per se' more so than I have a dream career. I'm planning to take LSAT in Feb and hopefully return to Georgia State University as a joint-degree seeking (JD/MPH) law student in the fall. I like the vibes of these discussions! Lets maintain our positivity and study productively!
  • dlkzwicker-1dlkzwicker-1 Alum Member
    2 karma
    Not feeling too confident after taking the test yesterday. Think I will need to retake in June.
  • higdon37higdon37 Alum Member
    68 karma
    I think that sentiment applies to a lot of people after that train wreck yesterday. :)
  • josemartinez725josemartinez725 Free Trial Member
    edited February 2014 52 karma
    Looks like a whole lot of us applying for fall may or may not have to write a very compelling addendum to our personal statements. I hate the LSAC.
  • iiiSpooniiiSpoon Alum Inactive ⭐
    277 karma
    The LSAT only allows three attempts per 2 year period...what happens if we go over the 3 attempts? or is there a way to withdraw one attempt post written?
  • LSATPuppyLSATPuppy Alum Member
    82 karma
    I think you're simply not allowed to take the LSAT more than 3 times a year; as in you can't sign up to test the test the fourth time. I'm not too sure about the last question but my hunch is once you register and take the test then that counts as you one instance of taking the test. Even if you cancel your score, you can't erase the fact that you took the test. Actually I'm pretty sure of this because every time you take the test, schools will be notified. Even if you cancel your score, it will still be noted that you have been exposed to the test.
    57 karma
    I checked with more than 15 schools by calling them. All accept it but Georgetown, Cornell, Duke, Northwestern, University of Chicago and Washington University on Saint Louis said it might be late but we accept it.

    The following were very comfortable with my question bout Feb test and said :yes, we do accept it and no, it is not late for financial aid). Of course, I called the ones I am interested in, so if you don't see yours in this list don't get disappointed but call them instead. Here is the list of those who said yes to me and were very comfortable and sure in their answer:

    1. American University
    2. Boston University
    3. Boston college
    4. William and Marry
    5. University of Maryland
    6. Vanderbilt
    7. Pen State
    8. George Washington
    9. Brooklyn law school

    also, this link does a good job of categorizing (to some extent):


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