... say we see a 150, a 151, and then a 170. In that ... , I just want to hear what the story is. Assuming there's ... or three points. So you would expect someone who took it twice togo ... up two or three points, just ...
... trends! I was unsure of whether or not to write a GPA addendum, but ... makes a difference in the admissions officer's choice orisitbetterto only apply to ... schools where the cumulative GPA is near the median or ...
... UT: Isitbetterto try and apply at the tail end of this application ... risk being rejected due to the late timing orto wait until the ... next application cycle to apply ... early? How does UT view people who apply for a ...
Isit possible togoto solo practice fresh out of law school? I can't imagine a client wanting to take on a lawyer who is fresh out of law school and hasn't worked in that type of setting before.
... . Endurance is not a big problem since Flex is 3 sections now. Isitbetterto start ... think the reason why is one of, ora combination of, three reasons: 1) endurance ... had a number of concussions, so fatigue isa major issue for me, and it ...
I would say if you planned to submit in October initially, still submit in October. Do not rush your essays. At this point in the cycle, itis way betterto take another week or two than have a slightly less polished essay.
... better than 7 Sage though. The first is the ability to pause a section or ... test with just a push of the ... test but itis nice during practice, particularly for those of us who ...
I think that is absolutely fine to take a test ora couple of sections as problem ... sets while going through it ... to get better at LR logic. Know what your final goal score is ...
... by a colleague if itis common for people with a science background to refuse ... he had not such world class teammates at FC Barcelona?< ... wanna be a great one in 10 years ora bad on ... to become a lawyer are the chances of getting accepted from a decent law school ...
... by a colleague if itis common for people with a science background to refuse ... he had not such world class teammates at FC Barcelona?< ... wanna be a great one in 10 years ora bad on ... to become a lawyer are the chances of getting accepted from a decent law school ...
... by a colleague if itis common for people with a science background to refuse ... he had not such world class teammates at FC Barcelona?< ... wanna be a great one in 10 years ora bad on ... to become a lawyer are the chances of getting accepted from a decent law school ...
... a score or taking the test before you feel ready? Isitbetterto ... have loved another one or two months to study. But honestly, ... good shape. Stuck at a certain score was also ... suffered from the burnout a lot. Take your test ... feel ready enough. Best of luck!
... for each LR. After a few months of study - on and ... down to around -8 each section, though a couple of times with -5 or ... -3 (got really lucky!) What I found is ... the estimated range of final test score outcome? Isit possible togo above 160?
... such as being Muslim/Arab. Isitbetterto avoid such details?_ to recruit a diverse classto have diverse discussions in ... in general. Lastly, if a law school does not want this diversity ... then that law school may not be a good fit for you ...
Isitbetterto take the September LSAT if I want to enroll for the fall of 2015? Or would it matter if I change my test date to the December LSAT? Do schools give all of their scholarship money to their first applicants?
... for structure and reasoning. Isit important to make a distinction between them, if ... so why? Is there a difference in the type of reading or style per ... passage. The test is not suppose to favor ...
... the LR section? Isit best to bubble per question, or once you've ... different strategies and they have a not so insignificant impact on ... to know what works best for most people and if there isa ... consensus on which one to follow.
... the school I will me applying. But then again, there is always a ... chance I might have to take it again. I ... decided not to mess ... since, I want to take a break and on topof that, I don ...
... professor from undergraduate studies to write me a LOR. I had two ... up but one of them fell through. Isit weird to ask a person who ... wrote an older LOR to write ...
Hi, during the core curriculum, isit advised to time yourself on the practice sets given (i.e., the 5 questions per set in the LR section)? Orisitbetterto not time and focus on strategy and comprehension?
Isit always best to tell a story or would more of an ... abstract argument do, so long as itis ... of that paper and format it more specifically to the Yale 250 requirements? Or ...
I took the June 2007 diagnostic last week and got a 167 on my first attempt. Which PT should I start with if I want to be ready for the September/December LSAT??
Isitbetterto start with the latest PTs? Any advice would be appreciated!!