@westcoastbestcoast said:
I thought that the sentence that contains the condition in which the company allows Ann to leave was a bi-conditional and therefore we could get the contrapositive of the bi-conditional by negating both terms. ...
Cool! Thanks everyone for your advice. I think I'll do PT 36 to hopefully see an improvement from the June2007 test and then spend a week or two fool proofing 1-36 games.
From November to the New Year I actually planned on specifically focusing on RC. The RCs in 40s over the course of the next 2 weeks is very doable. Note here* I have used everything under June2007 as drilling individual sections.*
PT 51.5 (June2007; the free test given by ... a odd game on the June 2017 test. If there is ... 20 days left until the June LSAT. At this stage, you ... questions. Good luck on the June LSAT!