... take more than once. Juneor July and August would give you two ... submit so early even with August that it might as well ... you are approaching your scheduled June/July test date and aren ... be push it back to August and October. There really is ...
... endurance and also because the AugustLSAT is a 4-section test ... for that in some manner or does LR now just simply ... Score Converter](https://7sage.com/lsat-flex-score-converter/) to estimate ... your LSAT Flex score.
i think this may well apply to you. i do not think that experimental vs. non-experimental issue outweighs this advice: https://7sage.com/take-lsat-in-june-or-delay/
I signed up for the AugustLSAT - but will likely take the October one as a “just in case”— do you suggest for me to just sign up for October one now too or wait?
... part of simulating for the AugustLSAT is time. I have taken ... two LSAT flexes and my fear is ... that I will get tired or bored with an additional experimental ...
... ; I want to write the AugustLSAT and currently freaked out because ... got a 136 last may/June. Started reading the Loophole over ... sick that week before the lsat & def didn’t perform ...
Thank you both for the replies. I was unhappy about the score I got on the JuneLSAT. Would you still recommend I take the AugustLSAT and potentially October if need be while continuing the application process?
> Because the AugustLSAT was the first administration of ... fee.**
> AugustLSAT scores will be released at ... to keep my October reg or cancel it & move my ...
... during lunch time, his naptime, or quiet moments at work. (**I ... avoid getting into an "all or nothing" mindset and celebrate the ... scored a 180 on the AugustLSAT, I still walked out stressing ... challenging! I never felt "good" or "confident" walking out of the ...
... />
> Confirming that on the AugustLSAT I got a 166, 91st ... future tests?
While LSAT scores have generally increased over ... never misses anything on RC or LG. If Person A took ... factors, peopling scoring equal to or greater than 175 increased by ...
... sweet. A fast run or high intensity lift. I ... periods of 45-minute sessions or “study sprints” each day ... lunch time, his naptime, or quiet moments at work. ... after I took the AugustLSAT, so this must've ... getting into an "all or nothing" mindset and celebrate ...
... legit traumatic experience in the AugustLSAT, though, so the bar ... time went much better than August's. ProctorU sucks in ... they definitely don't pay or train their proctors enough, but ... my LSAC survey after my AugustLSAT complaining about my proctor fiascos ...
... to get a 170+ or if it would be best ... know!
@gabes900 my AugustLSAT was a 163. When I ... studying daily for the November LSAT. I would sometimes take ... up to a few hours or more each day. I ... of it until after that August test for some reason. ...
Hi :) I am pretty sure there should be, they just haven't put it up yet. I was going between taking it in Juneor July but ideally it will be July. Maybe it'll become available once the next lsat exam is over?
Hi! Is this class geared towards people planning on taking the AugustLSAT? Also, where in the CC should you be in order to gain the most from this class (or what should your current PT score be? if that is relevant).
... people planning on taking the AugustLSAT? Also, where in the CC ... the most from this class (or what should your current PT ... well for someone taking the AugustLSAT, the skills that we will ...