... ’ve been running an online group where we host free weekend ... yall are looking for a group to join it’s a ... ! https://discord.gg/ems-lsat-study-group-1262843563239280782
Hi, I'm looking to start a very small studygroup of 3 to 4 people that are in the similar range, that we can meet and discuss questions together to help improve for the February LSAT
In search of a studygroup or partner! I’m in the midtown area of Sacramento and am hoping to retest in the summer (2025). I have a quiet rooftop area and coffee shops near me where we can meet and study, or I can go to you! I need help! Lol
Hey wassup Yall hope everyone's studying is going well! I wanted to post and see if there are people who would like to meet and start a studygroup? I plan on testing in April. Im up to meet in person or Zoom!