... out after a long day of work and helped me become calm ... type during rounds 1 and 2 of each section and I practiced this ... demonstrate my aptitude and limit the negative effects of nerves substantially.
... 'm working through the CC and I frequently have time during ... for AC being right/wrong and reach certainty but when I ... isn't due to a lackof time, but rather a knowledge ...
... lot of people had questions and I hope to address some of those ... an Army veteran with years of back and neck issues as well ... existed and I wasn't lying. There seemed to be some lackof ... going to compensate for lackof knowledge or lack or timing strategies. @" ...
... slow reader by nature, and years of school have pretty much taught ... But studying for the LSAT, and especially LR, I've learned ... on an entire passage for lackof time.
Did ... overcome the mental aspect of the LSAT and avoid panicking would be ...
... ’ve completed the LSAT Trainer and the LG Curriculum from 7Sage ... first PT since the diagnostic and only scored **157**. I think ... , I run out of time around question 20 and am forced to ... low score suggest a fundamental lackof understanding? Should I be doing ...
... 180 as possible (including, of course getting a 180). Anyone ... have similar goals, both for motivationand for sharing tips, study ... habits, and generally getting into the mindset ... also talked about the importance of finding study partners who ...
... during the latter half of my years) and unlike my relationships with ... was in the Fall of Freshman year and probably spoke with ... talk about that primarily and therefore all of the letters are going ... to sound kind of similar and be less impactful.
... but after 2+ years of hard work and 7sage- everything has finally ... with this test was honestly motivationand CONFIDENCE aside from the ...
I am so happy and grateful for 7sage, everyone on ... really smart and on their way to success. Best of luck. ...
... how to increase my score and I only have about 10PTs ... improve on RC, maintain LG and improve LR. But I need ... help with improving LR and after I study RC a ... had to move home because of COVID and can take time off ... of work if need be. Ive ...
... taken 5 PTs in July and managed to score between 159 ... ) in all of them. I have been blind reviewing and maintaining a ... get really frustrated about my lackof progress. Can anyone who was ...
... 10 plus wrong mostly because of timing and accuracy issues. How do ... ? I know I need drill and fool proof but I am ... massive improvements with such methods and I can really only get ... . What specifically do I drill and how do I effectively drill ...
... will create a loss of confidence and all kinds of negative feedback loops ... function and usage of commas, colons, dashes, semi-colons, and other markings of writing ... , the others will begin to lackand eventually you will lose your ...
... from PT1 to PT35 and watched all JY's ... taking additional LG and RC section on top of this during ... I have stagnated and felt depressed about lackof progress too but ... of improvements (small is not so small!). Celebrate these incremental improvements and ...
... any additional studying, and since completing most of the core curriculum ... believe this shows proof of steady improvement and consistency.
... Y.'s guidance, support from other 7Sage-rs and the whole ... the right amount of time and determination.
... extended periods of time, and have a lot of trouble with ... long-term focus and concentration. ... been taking practice tests, and I always do the ... the October flex test and wanted to see if ... has/had this problem, and what strategies have worked ...
... />
and two Professors. Both very accomplished professors, one of the ... many consultations with him andguidance he provided for my ... a stellar and very personal letter of recommendation and suspect that ... />
At the end of writing this I have decided ...
... currently working on drilling NA and have gone back to ... able to easily eliminate B and C. B addressees a ... a tie between the effectiveness of medication and psychotherapy, in regards to ... />
Also, why are D and E worth eliminating?
... probably the most common iteration of ad-hominem.
... at hand and redirects the aim toward the maker of the argument ... />
1) Attacking the interest/motivations of the argument maker: Jim says ... got a question wrong because of this and I thought I'd ...
Hi everyone! I'm currently struggling getting SA and NA Qs correctly and wanted to ask what your study strategy is to understanding the concept of SA and NA Qs? And what do you think about before answering these the questions?
... journey began in September of 2018 and I was under the ... being ready after 12 weeks and thousands of dollars later. The premise ... Y.'s sense of humor, intellect, and true understanding of the task at ... the test and feel like the years of anguish and studying I ...
... everyone, I would appreciate any and all advice. I am deciding ... Addendum to highlight my history of poor test taking (on the ... a 1500/1600 out of 2400 and I had a 4.0 ...
... intensely since the end of February and have heard about the ... potential of "burnout" but have never had any trouble with motivation ... or desire to study. Then this morning happened and i ... am kind of worried this may ...
... any resources. And with there being such a saturation of LSAT prep ... journey last January, and have had a bit of an inconsistent time ... will take a lot of hard work and WAY more consistent studying ... studying for the LSAT kind of on and off for some time ...
... get to a true score of 156+, and the BR did show ... the potential to score well and continue to grow to the ... running, I make dumb mistakes and miss rules. Also, how did ...
... a brief (1) description of each activity, and (2) specify your involvement ... applies to this type of statement: List and explain everything you did ... in the handful of clubs and organizations that actually meant ...
... to share an explanation of SUFFICIENT and NECESSARY conditions. This explanation ... authorized to enter the building and immediately that door opens. ... _You arrive at the door and realize, you’ve forgotten your ... re suppose to work, and while fumbling around in your ...
... want to apply this cycle and seeing what happens. I had ... 3.92 from Howard U and am a URM. Great ... have a great paralegal job and am getting great experience...but ... />
Any words ofmotivation, advice or stories of personal experience would be ...