... 50% Merit Scholarship. Ranked 100+ Lawschool with a pretty decent bar ... got denied by the worst lawschool in the United States - ... my stats.... I got into LAWSCHOOL with a Merit Scholarship. law school and that is totally fine ...
... for the LSAT, drafting my lawschool application materials, and simply trying ... to share my journey to lawschool story with others on ... every stage of applying to lawschool, so hopefully this will help ... tell yourself no, let the school tell you no. Hopefully ...
... I have noticed that the LawSchool Admissions Predictor appears to overestimate ... the listed law schools. For example, there is one school in ... I continue to utilize the LawSchool Admissions Predictor in narrowing ... down the list of law schools that I should ...
... working as a paralegal before lawschool guaranteed to provide more satisfaction ... with the lawschool experience than someone who just ... without having worked in a law firm or any type of ...
We just gave our [LawSchool Predictor](https://7sage.com/predictor/) a major update. Please check it out and let me know what you think! I'm eager to hear how else we can improve it.
... who've been out of school for a while have addressed ... the public interest by practicing law, elaborating briefly on the process ... and resources to LSAT and lawschoolpreparation
Don't pay attention to people who don't know about the LSAT or lawschoolpreparation and tell you otherwise. Even if they are close to you and they really think they know what is best for you, they don't in terms of LSAT prep.
... LSAT and apply to brooklyn Law for the upcoming fall and ... able to reapply to brooklyn law after retaking the February LSAT ... once your rejected from a school you can only apply for ... and reapply to the same school which they got rejected to ...
... you guys check the lawschool ranking by law field? For example, if ... law, U of Wash in St.Louis is the first school ... , comparably Berkley is the first in intellectual law. Is ... general ranking of law schools more ...
... I received today from a lawschool. I've received several emails ... />
This is a Tier 8 lawschool apparently so desperate to fill ... , dreams, hard work, or expenditures, LawSchool may not be the best ... an essay test that the school itself has developed and most ...
... and noticed they have one school under the international section, the ... research on it and the school seems to have a really ... reputation. Scored 8th worldwide for law schools and seems to have ... know anything else about the law program there that would be ...
... to miss a lot of school. On top of that, I ... missed a week of school because of a conference I ... was attending for the school that got snowed in and ... incredibly sick that semester? Will law admissions think that's a ...
... to get accepted to a school, but not good enough to ... specific school or area of the law? I'd like my law degree ... , corporate, real estate, or contract law.
Thanks for everybody ... I've applied to a school, so I'm a little ...
... research, and learning that law schools look at all scores ... currently a senior in undergraduate school, and if I don ... get accepted into a school for Fall 2019 I ... going to a lower ranked school (probably ranked in like ... the best lower-ranked school I can go to ...