... agree with Matt. Doing the FoolProofmethod can be very effective. I ... forward is to do the foolproofmethod in order of pt 1 ... that. After you are done fool proofing pt 1-35 then ... it right. I know the method says you can move on ...
Hello! So I'm fool proofing the LG bundles now, at first I ... by the 3-4 new LG/day it's a mental ... have a good number of LG/daily that's realistic for ...
... are y'alls thoughts on fool proofing LG on PTs36+? Obviously I ... repeatedly doing these PTs' LG sections after I take them ... 10 PT chunks of fool proofing the LG games, by the ... done to keep LG skills robust after completing the traditional fool proofing method?
I am currently fool proofing PTs 1-35 and ... adapted version of @Pacifico's method)
**My question ... about an LG section a day. I follow the foolproof guide exactly ... of you who have successfully fool proofed the bundle spread them ...
... with a -8 on LG. I am pretty much ... am about to start fool proofing LG as it is my ... ~3 weeks on fool proofing LG using the LG bundle that I ... what is the method that you would recommend for fool proofing games ... regarding time spent on LG before diving into the ...
I am in the CC in LG, and I am having trouble with this section. Should I foolproof everything that I have trouble with and not continue with the CC until I foolproof everything? I feel lost as to what to do. LR and RC are my strong sections.
I am starting to FoolproofLG. However, sometimes I remember the answer choice from watching the video, so I choose it automatically. Anyone have similar experiences, and any way to solve this?
... LG CC and fool-proofing the problem sets using the Pacifico method ... , I've gone through PT 1-5 of the LG ... games at this point. LG has always been a weak ... to continue with the Pacifico method. If anyone's been ... start to see your LG reach -2/below territory?
I have fool proofed LG 1-35 and I'm still averaging -8 or -10. I think my problem is I didn't do the weird games that showed up 1-20. Should I just do those games i didn't foolproof or should I start over?
#2. Performance on LG is consistent (for the most ... Well a tried and true method, that is common across almost ... here https://7sage.com/lesson/fool-proof-guide-to-perfection-on-logic ...
... score (164 average) but my LG score has been decreasing rapidly ... , -5, and -7, respectively, on LG. I was just wondering if ... lessons, and focusing more on foolproof review, but I am not ...
... doing respectably well.
My LG scores, on the other hand ... made it through the entire LG section under timed conditions. Under ... the tests using @Pacifico's fool proofing method. In recent weeks I ... is increasing my efficiency on LG. I appreciate the value of ...
... LR and RC, but not LG.
I think I naturally ... do with literary comprehension, but LG reminds me too much of ... good at critical reading. With LG, I have no such existential ... open up the page to fool-proof for LG, I think ... "Uh....it ...
... balance the time spent on LGfool proofing and working on other ... RC while focusing on foolproofing LG. It takes so much of ... brain energy to work on LG alone and now im concerned ... done and are currently foolproofing LG! It takes so much grit ...
Moving into LG, I expected it to be ... . I finished the LG CC and am now fool proofing LG 1-35 ... hours early on in the fool-proof portion of my prep.
I just started the LG portion of the CC yesterday. I am brand new to logic games. As I am advancing through the CC, should I be fool proofing the games in the CC or should I wait to foolproof these games until after I'm done with the CC?
... wondering if anyone time their LG problem sets right from the ... />
The way JY teaches LG is to make the inferences ... know JY has a "Fool-Proof technique" video for LG mastery. Has anyone ...
Can someone explain the process of fool-proofing? What resources do you use? Does is matter if I foolproof before or after going through CC? How many months (average) does is take?
... area of weakness is with LG. Right now, i'm only ... I need to focus on fool--proofing LG but am wondering what ... to fool--proof but i've also heard from others that the LG ... 's are the best to fool--proof?