I took practice test #60 today and realized that one of the RC passages was on the January 2020 LSAT I sat for. Does anyone else remember this? It was a passage about art forgery. Is it common for LSAC to repeat passages or questions from prior test?
If the first passage is Art, unless it's obviously a lower-level passage, I'll skip it. This lets me move onto a more engaging passage, which "warms me up" to the RC section and builds a little confidence. Then I come back to it later on.
Now, the type ... about. Shanna refers to ANY art (so this portrait would qualify ... refers to unique works of art which this portrait may qualify ...
Reading the Economist for the art and science passages has helped me a ton, if you get a subscription you can load up all the older magazines, it'll help you grow your subject knowledge so you can understand passages better