Do they check your pockets for things not on the list of allowed items before entering the test center? I don't plan on accessing anything, I just need them with me. There are a lot of things that aren't on the allowed list.
I am having trouble identifying question stem types. I often get confused between Strengthen and Must Be True/ Sufficient and Pseudo-Sufficient. Are there any lists of common question stem phrases? Does anyone have online ...
As a splittter I know I have a really good chance of ending up on the waitlist and I would love to know if after taking the September and November LSATs (and probably getting waitlisted) if I should also count on taking the January ...
I am currently studying to take the LSAT January 2019.
I live in Minneapolis,MN and wanted to know if there was anyone else studying for the LSAT in this area. It would be cool if we could form study groups!
... wondering if there were a list of different argument types so ... other companies give you a list of different argumentation by analogy ... if there was a complete list of method(s) of reasoning ...
The question is fairly self-explanatory, but here's one of a number of examples: PT 4, Sec. 3 rates the overall difficulty as a 3/5 in the Question Bank but a 1/5 overall under the Free LG Explanations list. Can anyone clarify? Thanks in advance!