I was wondering if anyone had any insight on how the LSAT-flex will be scored? If it’s on the same scale as the regular LSAT does that mean we can miss about 8 questions and still get a 170? Thank you!
How will having 3 sections affect the scoring? Is there a way to recalculate what the score of my PT tests would have been if it was an LSATflex? If LR is my strength should I consider pushing back the test date until it is in-person 4 sections again?
... these temporary changes to the LSAT during this unprecedented time, I ... real LSATFlex. I'm hoping to get some tips and suggestions on ... my raw score to the LSAT scale. I thought about doubling ...
... taking the LSATflex? Before, I would take practice tests on my tablet ... I moved to taking tests on my computer, my RC score ... dropped. Highlighting really helped me on the tablet, but highlighting is ... much slower on a laptop. Does anyone have ...
For LSATFlex takers, does anyone know if ... to have Advil or Ibuprofen on your desk? Not a whole ... 't find anything about medications on either the list of allowed ...
LSATflex will probably have timer right? Just asking because on LawHub it says your allowed a nondigital analog watch. But why need one if they have timer?
I have a question for the May LSAT-Flex takers who were signed up for the March or April tests originally. Did your photo carry over to the May test without having to upload it? Or did you have to reupload it?
... />
The July 13 in-person LSAT (USA, Canada) is canceled LSAT-Flex during the week of July 12
The July test ... />
[More information about LSAT-Flex](https://www.lsac.org/update-coronavirus-and-lsat/lsat-flex)
Hello, I'm aware that hats and earplugs are not allowed under normal testing conditions but I am not aware if one or both of these rules still apply for the LSATflex. Hope everyone is having a good day! :)
I was looking on the LSAT website and I cannot seem to find any form of breakdown of my LSATFlex score. I was wondering if anyone knows how to see a breakdown of your score or if that is even possible?
I'm currently registered for the July LSAT-Flex. Can someone tell me if I'm supposed to wait for an email from LSAC that will direct me on how to register for a ProctorU account, or am I supposed to go ahead and make one myself? Thanks much in advance!
... everyone, I have a question on the time when the exams ... country or is it based on your time zone? Also, when ... it vary based on which day you choose to take the test? Thanks!
I was reading the LSAT FAQ on LSAC, and I noticed this ... statement: "**The online, remotely proctored LSAT-Flex ... unclear on what this means. So if we take 2 LSATFlex tests ... :
... PT's. However, ontestday everything crashed and burned ... average. I freaked out on LG, which ironically was ... LSAT in August and figure out what went wrong (I had test ... bring up my score on actual testday. If so, this ... am not a good test taker. 7Sage is such ...
I am planning on taking the June LSATFlex in Asia and ... were a few more on 1~2am.....)
These ... start time for regular LSAT should have been reasonable). ... I do believe LSAT heavily requires you to ... 's why the regular LSAT starts from 8:30 ...
so we still have a year to do the LSAT writing right? we don't necessarily and have to do it immediately post we complete the flex? any clarity on this would be greatly appreciated.
I plan on taking the LSAT in October, so I’m ... they will still be doing LSATFlex by then, but I am ... about taking the exam digitally. On the LSAC website where you ... is annotating easy to do on the LSATflex/the digital one if ...
... my LSAT-Flex today. My proctor instructed me to quit the test and ... already registered for the August test). Everything was good except I ... I was exposed to the test questions and they had to ...