... to take the April 2021 LSATFLEX and was wondering if I ... take prep tests in the flex format to try and replicate ... tests in the regular or flex format I would greatly appreciate ...
I've seen so many people discussing this but can anyone explain what this to me? From my understand I should keep my phone with me and then they will let you turn it off and put it across the room?
With about a few days remaining, it should be said that the actual testing interface is not identical to the 7Sage practice test interface. Go poke around your LawHub account and do some questions in there. That is the environment the test will replicate.
Does anyone have any advice about when it is a good idea to log into their Proc U account on test day? Also, I heard someone say that we might have to turn on/off webcam mirroring? Your insight would be appreciated.
One of the things I hate about taking the test with my laptop is that I had trouble visually following my cursor (harder compared to an index finger over printed text). I've been trying a few prep tests with a customized cursor -- a big blue circle ...
I'm searching for a tutor as soon as possible to prepare for the April 2021 LSATFlex. Please reach out to me at : zorazambezi@gmail.com with your rates and availability.
Hi, I am looking to form a small study group of about 4-5 people. I will be taking the April LSAT - Flex. We can hopefully review one section a day and one test a week.
Hey, Does anyone know if a Mac 10.12.6 is acceptable for test ? ProcturU says minimum 10.13 and I wrote to clarify but they sent me to the same FAQ page.