Hey all - I know that for five pieces of paper were allowed for the LSAT-Flex. Is it the same for the four-section test? (including the upcoming October test).
... 7sage "Flex Score Converter" (https://7sage.com/lsat-flex-score-converter ... ) apply to current LSAT tests ( ... display current tests as "LSATFlex", just "LSAT".
... numbers into the "Flex Converter", did not tick ...
... rudimentary question but with the LSAT-FLEX and all the other options ... LR sections for the September LSAT or just three sections? LSAT grade or has that changed?
... the reality of studying the LSAT for an entire year, of ... that. The skills this LSAT is testing us on are important and ... 's driving me through this LSAT study process. And that scares ... study every day for the LSAT, I've done months of ...
I'm not sure how that works, but you can contact LSAC about that by calling or emailing to ask and find out. http://www.lsac.org/jd/lsat/accommodated-testing
... feels good having completed the LSAT (for now). Applying this cycle ... 's going on with my LSAT scores. My BRs are almost ... 'm attributing my relatively low LSAT to testing anxiety. I'm also ...
... I'm taking the Feb LSAT too! I found myself in ... that's not what the LSAT is testing us on.. it's ... the passages themselves which the LSAT is concerned on. I ramble ... so close to the Feb LSAT, but I didn't ... this month. Learning the LSAT is a long process.....but ...
... personally find that explaining LSAT concepts to somebody completely ... br />
@MrSamIam said:
the LSAT is a skills test, and ... intelligent you are - the LSAT is difficult!!! And a ... not fully understand what the LSAT is testing for.
... state quite carefully throughout the LSAT process, and noticed that there ... on the Feb. 2017 LSAT, after testing below potential on the Dec ... like beaten men after the LSAT, both times I tested...it ...
... seems like the present-day LSAT is testing a somewhat different, if ... " I used to describe the LSAT.)
> Has she really ... idea. I'm absolutely no LSAT Sage and haven't even ... 's basically the only other LSAT God I've been able ...