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Questioning law school

klyonsklyons Free Trial Member
in General 11 karma
Hey guys, I have found motivating myself to study for the lsat to be very hard. I'm just wondering if I should be taking this as a sign that I should not go to law school since I seem to be overwhelmed with the amount of studying for this one test. Any advice?


  • PacificoPacifico Alum Inactive ⭐
    8021 karma
    Take a week off. No LSAT prep, nothing law school related. Just go out and do whatever else it is you do and have some fun. Next weekend take some time to take a more dispassionate and disinterested look at why you want to go to law school and more importantly why you want to be a lawyer. If you still really want to be a lawyer and have a good understanding of what your potential futures would look like then just understand that you need to do this one test to get you to your end goal. While there are ways in which the test is an end in and of itself it is much more significantly a means to another end, as is law school. Defining and understanding that role and owning it can help to lessen the pain of prep.

    And don't forget, there are plenty of awesome lawyers out there who hated the LSAT and/or law schoo, just as there are awesome lawyers who were terrible at the LSAT or law school. This is not the be all end all of life as some make it out to be. Just take the time to reflect on what you want to do with your life and that should be enough to point you in the right direction. Good luck!
  • LSATislandLSATisland Free Trial Inactive Sage
    1878 karma
    @klyons If your concern is for the specific study of logical reasoning, diagramming, etc... that the LSAT is testing, I wouldn't be too worried since it doesn't play too much in law school and legal practice.

    If instead you are concerned about the hard work and especially the intellectual work in LSAT study, that will carry over to law school and practice. I'd suggest reaching out to those practicing in the area of law you're interested in to see what lawyers do and if it is something that fits for you. If you are concerned about the law school workload, I'd be happy to share my experience, but I'd recommend contacting others as well, esp. those in the law school you hope to attend.
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