... advised to cancel my first LSATscore, if I will be taking ... lower score, will LSAC report the amount of attempts I took LSAT ... towards admissions?
- If second LSATscore is higher, will it just ...
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I considered cancelling the score since it was my first ... by mid-November with this score and tell the schools that ... be better than cancelling the score and applying in January with ... />
With the current LSATscore and GPA, I'm worried ...
... cancel or keep my February LSATscore. This was the second ... unfortunately lower than my first score (November) of 170. ... the LG). I have score preview and need to ... lower than my first score, but I have also ... I may be taking the LSAT a third time (targeting ...
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my fourth score, the nov. 2023 LSAT, is much lower (:/) than ... my highest score and i ... that i already have one score cancellation on my record, do ... also cancelling my nov. 2023 LSATscore would be harmful to my ...
Could anyone kindly give me some advice? My LSATscore is one point lower than the last time. This is my second LSAT taking, and I plan not to take LSAT in the future. So should I cancel my score this time or should I keep it?
... have an LSATscore on file from the November LSAT, but it ... is not the score I need ... the January LSAT to try and improve my score. So, ... now with my existing score, and hope that schools ... submit until after my LSATscore is released?
... good GPA, no official LSATscore, and it won't ... GRE. Otherwise do the LSAT. GRE scores dont have ... If you have an LSATscore, the school has to report it ... regardless, so a good GRE score ... won't mitigate a sub-medianLSAT.
... apply before you have an LSATscore. The school will likely review your ... then as soon as the score is available, LSAC sends it ... (I already have one okay LSATscore). I'm just nervous about ... something to explain my next LSATscore... Do you have any thoughts ...
... apply before you have an LSATscore. The school will likely review your ... I already have one okay LSATscore). I'm just nervous about ... something to explain my next LSATscore... Do you have any thoughts ... biggest risk will be a school outright rejecting you. Most ...
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I took the LSAT twice (1st score: 157, 2nd score: 161), but my ... a score in the 170s, and then delay entering law school ... cheaper tuition at a reasonable school, against the possibility of opening ... 2015 LSAT and waiting another year to enter law school, my ...
... am 3+ years out of school and committed to applying to ... LSAT in December and my current PT average is at the median ... I hope to raise my score 3-5 points over the ... margin of error for a score I'd be happy with ... is at or above the median for most schools.
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1.) **Is an above-medianLSAT is crucial to get merit ... .) **Would a 25percentile to median T14 LSATscore, and a 97+% [overall ... bracket] GRE score, significantly ... school.
Is it possible to get into a school where your LSATscore is under the median but GPA is there , combined with a good personal statement? Anyone have experiences or know anyone that has gotten into a reach school?
Does anybody know when the inflated LSAT scores will drop for schoolmedian averages? I've been told they're from the LSAT Flex which ended back in August of 2021. I've seen some medianLSAT averages go up 3-4 points for some of the top 25 schools.