I don't think so either but I would definitely check with the testcenter. On my first take, I was under the understanding that it was one clear bottle of water only but there were multiple people with Gatorade or Vitamin Water. I saw one girl with a Coke.
Yeah I've seen people with like juice boxes in their bag so if you're fine with cold coffee, maybe consider one of the boxed or bottled ones as well. Also saw people with refillable water bottles so again, might wanna just check with your testcenter.
... another country, jdawg113! No test centers here in Costa Rica ... is important. My last testcenter was really s-l-o ... .g., handed out the test papers in the wrong order ... and start again...). A couple test-takers couldn't make it ... during the third test section.
My testcenter was so sweet. At the end when we trooped outside they had refreshments for all the test takers (and, of course, they were handing out info on their law school at the same time!).
... any non-law school testing center, you may end up at ... enough room to have your test open and your answer sheet ... />
Also, stalk your testing center!!! Go there at least a ... /etc.).
Choosing a testcenter is important. A good one ...
... />
Surprised that not a single testcenter anymore ALL YEAR anywhere in ... recommend CSUEB as a testing center. Proctors were really efficient as ...
... nor sit for the test and cancel your score. ... www.lsac.org/jd/lsat/day-of-test/photo-requirements
... LSAC policy requires that all LSATtest takers glue or tape to ... on the day of the test (e.g., with ... assure the authenticity of test scores and to protect ...
I scouted out out my testcenter and the room that was ... 't even fit the closed test booklet on them? I have ... 'm going to fit my test book, answer sheet, pencils, and ...
It depends where you live. I registered for Pace because I'm accustomed to taking the 4,5 and 6 train, and I don't want to go to LIC. I also heard good things about the testcenter.
... i just say, bombing a test with y'all makes it ... felt doomed. I left the testcenter and i just went blank ... i have to retake the test(which is very likely) but ...