I've been playing around with this some more this morning and agree that now memorizing "converting" Group 3 and Group 4 indicators to another type is one more thing to remember, and one too many. That slowed me down.
... helpful in understanding how these indicators function in a sentence. My ... group 3 and group 4 indicators in one sentence was ... particular where the group 4 indicators lead, seems to be a ... brought more clarity why those indicators were used together and what ...
... by looking for key structural indicators in the stimulus (e.g ... , is that sometimes these structural indicators are used to introduce subsidiary ...
First I look for indicators and if there are more than one indicator I ask myself which sentence supports the other. And the sentence that is supported is that conclusion. @"Giant Panda"
Ah I see. So contrapositive is not a negation just the same logically equivalent statement. Thanks I will just memorize that All's negation as "Some Not". Thanks again
... looking out for any logical indicators (all, never, only if...) and ... great to always recognize logic indicators that can impact eliminating incorrect ... to annotate the subtle logic indicators, shifts in scope, relativity to ...
... ) as one of those necessary indicators that I constantly forget. lol ... looking for, know your conditional indicators, know what slides in language ...