... the processes for handling each questiontype and the pace to ... at them, time each question but don't worry about ... your pace for each question and get more time ... right answer without much problem most of the time, you ... 1-14 for the most part(because the wrong ...
... the classes or watch most of the videos because ... fear of spoiling a question! Plus, since you' ... (I did too), but most likely, you didn't ... puts into each and every question - make that your standard ... really, really understand each questiontype be it a LR, ...
... and it depends on what question it is... if it ... is saying what is most likely then it is ... it is more of a most strongly supported (depending on ... read up on a questiontype and then drill some of ... that type of question until you really understand ...
... different types of LR question types, but I would ... MLR) explicates every LR questiontype with more details. And ... how to attack Assumption Type questions (known as ... both. I have the most recent MLR edition, but ... you to purchase the most recent one! I read ...
... one game that isn't common but I'm sure that ... 't mainly focus on the mostcommon LG because what if on ... day that's not the type of LG you'll get ...
... missing only the most difficult question types of a particular questiontype, it could ... be helpful to get the Cambridge most difficult ... missing only the most difficult question types regardless of questiontype, I think that ...
... is good for a specific questiontype... for example, for me, I ... the 7sage examples of Most Strongly Supported MSS questiontype along with just ... believe the answer to this question will come to you when ...
... -day jitters would account for most of what you missed. I ... of the fundamentals of each questiontype. I'd recommend going over ... the lessons again and drilling question types until you have a ...
... that you can gain the most improvement on.
2 ... what I know about question types and tempting answer ... did was skip every question I spent more than ... just don't get this questiontype" or "this kind of ... reason you're missing a question, kind of passage, ...
... material and 2) drill by questiontype (see Cambridge packets). Since ... you don't remember a questiontype, you should revisit those ... you can remember a questiontype (say MBT question) but can't write ... (s) will be the most restrictive/important in this game ...
Infer/author most likely to agree //about the ... could be appropriate for this questiontype; I hesitate at "only if ... with which he would be most likely to agree.
... through the process for each question, for example, find the ... support, figure out what the questiontype is figure out why each ... />
I personally read the question, figure what it is and ... awhile it just gets easier, most LR questions take under a ...
I'd say the most effective way to relieve some ... to the test, a particular questiontype, etc., so allowing yourself to ... those questions where you feel most comfortable will free up time ...
... considering it. I know that most seats will be full, but ... was able to master each questiontype individually. And see the different ... ways the same category of question would be presented.
JY ...
... amount or include more breaks. Most importantly, really pinpoint what's ... a specific section(s) or questiontype that has you demoralized/unmotivated ...
... QuestionType Analysis in my LSAT Analytics section, I have the most ... it is probably the most time-consuming questiontype for me. I ... trouble with any given type of question and (2) anticipate ... most recent exams. If I see I missed a certain type of question ...
Agree with @"Dr. Yamata" You learn how to identify the questiontype quickly by doing a bunch of them in bundles. You can see how many different ways "must be true, most strongly supported, Ect." are asked.