... . Necessary assumptions are assumptions that mustbetrue if the argument is valid ... for the argument to be valid the conclusion must derive its truth ... to find an assumption that mustbetrue so that the existing premises ...
... " and also the " MustbeTrue" question types. The could be complete questions I ... how to handle them. The mustbetrue question types that I would ... miss would be due to not writing out ...
... when it's actually a mustbetrue question. A "conclusion ... asked to identify something that MUSTbetrue, a task quite different ... asking us for that which MUSTbetrue.
In ... something that cannot be untrue, meaning it mustbetrue (at least in ...
... the correct answer to a 'mustbetrue' question is that for an ... economy to be successful, communication MUST have occurred between scientists ... people with medical knowledge especially must find it hard to contain ...
... of 24
1. Mustbetrue / CANNOT be false
This type of ... select the answer choice that mustbetrue. In other words, the correct ... mustbetrue or CANNOT be false.
... must commit some actions for which they cannot be said to be ... that it mustbetrue that no adult can be responsible for ... every action they perform. Absolutely true. ... for which they cannot justifiably be assigned culpability. Hence, ...
... Argument (valid) –> Necessary Assumption (true)
/Necessary Assumption –> /Argument ... can say that it mustbetrue that counting the number of ... year, which would also be sufficient. For this argument ... if this negated statement is true? We can’t. Our ...
... experienced it LGs TEND to be get harder. LR 1-12 ... reasoning, parallel flaw, really wrong mustbetrue or something to that degree ... the last two tend to be more difficult than the first ...
... members also happen to be representing the construction industry ... the same). This definitely could betrue, because some could include ... 's not correct in a 'mustbetrue' question. 'Some' only implies ... the suburbs, then it mustbetrue that some with FI don ...
Yes - for the most part. It's exactly what ... the answer choice that is moststronglysupported by the stimulus. What do ... .com/lesson/how-to-approach-most-strongly-supported-questions/
... to allow the conclusion to be drawn from the premise. There ... may be many potential sufficient assumptions. In ... , you are looking for what mustbetrue.
One way ... if the necessary assumption is true. In the above example, ...
... answer choices, you should be ABSOLUTELY certain of each ... correct answers for MustBeTrue, Cannot beTrue and Could beTrue questions. For example ... answer for a could betrue question. You look through ... on. You should NEVER be guessing the correct answers ...
... anything needs to be diagrammed. It certainly can be useful for Parallel ... , but other question types like MustBeTrue (MBT) and Sufficient Assumption (SA ...
... difference between strengthen and "mustbe truth" question types: when ... information" it is a "mustbetrue" and when it includes " ... question. Reason? Because "mustbetrue" questions always includes a ... first two you listed are mustbetrue type. You know why ...
... first, and then looked for mustbetrue questions. MBT questions in LG ... tend to be less time consuming because you ... do games is to just be better at them than I ...