... question. These questions can be tough on the surface, ... my brother's. What mustbetrue here? The answer to ... for worker 2. It mustbe, like the above example, ... of their work? What would be the MBT
... for this question, the phrase "mustbetrue" is crucial to picking the ... not **have to be** true. It could betrue that she took 2 ... />
For A, this **mustbe** true. It mustbetrue that she didn't use ... was false, it would be impossible to have 4 weeks ...
Yeah, JY goes through them in the CC. It is under the lessons titled "Validity and MustBeTrue Questions." There are **9** common valid argument forms on the LSAT.
... of that body will not be renewed for millions of years ... , than the core of Europa must generate enough heat to cause ... />
So answer choice E mustbetrue.
It's a very rare type of question, but yes, if your are doing process of elimination, you want to eliminate all answer choices that mustbetrue or could betrue.
And for questions with what the author agrees , you treat them as MUSTBETRUE. So given the facts, you want the statement the author would undoubtedly agree with. All the answers with the extra ideas and such are usually just trick answers.
I'm not a sage nor a mentor but I think inference questions are just MustBeTrue questions! As JY says in those videos, "we have to push something out of the stimulus".
... But, isn't it true that being unpopular with faculty ... t necessarily mean it will be popular with students? must be popular with the other ... This is just a mustbetrue stimulus so our task ... because this fact is true. And our other ...
... that two other pieces mustbe next to each other: ... pieces in which there mustbe exactly 1 piece separating ... pieces
-A mustbe separated from B by exactly ... piece
-D mustbe next to E at all ... in spot 1 then what mustbetrue? Answer: C is in ...
The other change in his method is that he now does all questions that add a premise first, and then returns to the "naked" mustbetrue/could betrue questions.
... conditional logic in LR, like mustbetrue/mustbe false type questions? Where it ... helpful to diagram? That might betrue... I honestly didn't do ... newer ones so I'd be more prepared for what I ...
Start by reading for arguments: conclusions, premises, how they interact. Also, you should know exactly what every question type wants from you. Sometimes, for example, it wants you to find an appropriate conclusion ('MustbeTrue').
... 3, which of the following mustbetrue." Plug A into slot 3 ... your game board--maybe D must go into 5--and then ... find what you already know mustbetrue.
... incorrect) "could betrue" answer and a correct "mustbetrue" answer. It ... tell what could betrue and what mustbetrue apart in ... br />
There will NEVER be two "mustbetrue" answer choices on a ... your remaining answer choices "must" betrue — it will occur ...
Thinking about it more, you asked if the question is a "mustbetrue" and that question is not a "mustbetrue" but instead a "mustbe false" question. Maybe this is what happened?