Due to illness, we will have to cancel today's Sufficient Assumption Analysis with Henry. Join the class again on Tuesday to continue the discussion on assumption and principle questions!
I keep getting stuck on where to put the slash in a conditional diagram that has "no" or "none", has anyone figured out at tip that helps them? Also is without a sufficient or necessary indicator?
-so if you fail a sufficient condition, the rule "goes away" ?
-but if you satisfy a necessary condition, the rule also "goes away" ?
-you would not want to rely on a contrapositive of any of these rules in these two situations above?
I've been tackling LG for some time now, and it seems that practice is paying off. However, in/out LG games still seem to tank my score when I am doing PTs. Therefore, I've been trying to target in/out games specifically, ...
... triggers when the sufficient is satisfied or the necessary is negated. On ... the other hand, rule fails when the sufficient ... fails or the necessary is satisfied. I ...