Understood on the contrapositive/converse explanation. I believe Powerscore ... to touch on the conditionality vs causation debate. I just realized ...
Try simplifying the language the way you would during the test. No As are Bs would translate simply into "If A, then not B." Contrapositive is "If B, then not A." 7sage lawgic uses a / for negation.
... that it makes a wrongful negation. You are kind of right ... : both wrongful reversal and wrongful negation assume that A ---> B ... ; ~GLS, PWP ---> GLS. The contrapositive of the stimulus is GLS ...
... for the purposes of the negation test means saying that the ... context of the question the negation of C is saying that ... is talking about Natural Causes vs Non Natural (assumed to be ... # of days in the CAUSE vs the # days in the Effect ...
... -> E and F, the contrapositive is ~F or E -> ... D. (when you do the contrapositive u switch and to or ... suggest just always writing the contrapositive so it's easier to ... and see when things trigger vs having to think about failing ...
... is the reason why the negation test works to verify that ... CANNOT be in the NYC(contrapositive). In practice, when I go ... that question in mind + the negation test, helps me figure out ...
... other logical indicator becomes a negation. Meaning that the used indicator ... unless) and apply the negation to the J which is ... "Cannot") and apply the negation to the W which is ... />
J - W