... to pinpoint exactly how the newtests are more difficult than ... went down in the newer tests - part of that might ... were in the 1-50 tests. You are having the ... there's something in the newtests that doesn't sit ... went up for the newer tests my speed went down - ...
I actually still do the PTs on the same page for even the newtests, so I dont have to worry about page flipping or going to a different page. You still have more room on the newtests, but I think this works well.
... be different from the older tests and no one wants surprises ... would be oblivious to the newtests. Do preptests change dramatically enough ... the style of the newer tests before you sit for the ...
Retake tests, especially since you've done ... struggling to make time with newtests, experiment a bit on retakes ... recommend doing more than three tests per week. I personally think ... two tests a week is the perfect ...
... from the CC. At first, new strategies slow you down. It ... . Every time I tried a new strategy, my score would drop ... 1-36). Do not burn newtests trying out strategies!
... from the CC. At first, new strategies slow you down. It ... Every time I tried a new strategy, my score would drop ... 1-36). Do not burn newtests trying out strategies!
> ... />
Totally agree. When implementing new strategies, especially RC ones, I ...
... />
> I just hope the new preptests continue to be released ... would either have to create newtests every few weeks to keep ... demand, or just stop disclosing tests and answers. I don't ... them creating as many fresh tests as would be needed to ...
... would add like two more tests a year, not anywhere near ... have the time to create newtests if they have that many ... or 2 quirks every few tests to throw us off. ... see the differences in the tests as we do now with ... the earlier tests and the 70s and 80s ...
... either have to create newtests every few weeks to ... , or just stop disclosing tests and answers. I don ... creating as many fresh tests as would be needed ... to keep up with 12 tests/year...
> tests regularly. The GRE has ...
... ). There are just a few new/different ways that they test ... the slight differences in newer tests. However, as you master the ... slight differences by taking more newtests, you will find that your ...
... me for the most recent tests? 2. Should I go ... you with the newer tests and the most recent ... told me about the newtests they've taken there ... doubt some repeats from the tests before the 30s. Not ... finding yourself having issues with new material. 45 games in ...
I think @"Jonathan ... mention. RC on the older tests intuitively came to me. (Started ... they still do that, the newtests like to throw in an ... -formulaic" changes of the newer tests do require us to sometimes ...
... point. Also try drilling older tests as well for timed sections ... to burn all your fresh newtests until you have improved way ... be using those more valuable tests to be doing the bulk ... , and avoid burning the newest tests.