I have to do a lot of catching up lol, I'm thinking the best way to study would be if other people study WITH me. Live Discord/Zoom sessions could be pretty awesome! If you're interested, here's the server: https://discord.gg/tK2P6sRd
Hi all!
I have an official 166 on the LSAT from June. Aiming to score 170 or higher on the August.
Looking for anyone who wants to meet weekly to study!
... I'm looking for a studygroup/partner. I'm in my ... would be interested in a study partner/group. I don't have ... someone to talk about our study progress with alongside actually studying ...
Would anyone know of in-person study groups around the Las Vegas area? Or is anyone interested in meeting up at a safe, quiet, place every so often for the upcoming LSAT?
... yes, consider becoming my study buddy or studygroup!! I live in CT ... (and would be happy to study ... or to form a small studygroup (4-5 people max). I ... 'd like someone to study with, discuss and work through ...
I started 7Sage about 2 weeks ago, and I think that it is a great idea to formulate a studygroup. Anyone interested in meeting about 2 times a week via zoom to study? If so, comment and i'll prepare for our 1st study session!
... the tooth, so starting a new one! Face cameras are gently ... time. I currently live in NewYork, but I am a born ... , macro questions about how to study/study trajectory, questions about what hair ...
Was thinking of putting together some studygroup times, starting with 1-2 times a week and more if needed..if you are interested, put together some days/times that work for you, let's get started.
I’m looking to take the test on August or September, but I am looking for a study buddies who are willing to help hold each other accountable and possibly get together and study in person or via zoom.