... into H,Y or S... no matter is you are in ... into H,Y or S... no matter is you are in ... />
Ehhh, If both your GPA/LSAT is above HYS 75 ... + and above a 3.7 GPA you're pretty much in ...
... senior with a 3.95+ GPA, considered a MA URM as ... HYS with a 3.95+ GPA, a 173 LSAT, and are ... probably have a great shot no matter when you take your ... commodity with those numbers, so no reason to rush it unless ...
No way you can go and redo your GPA?? Is it possible? Less than 2.0 GPA essentially means you have failed. Does Canada allow students to retake graduation?
... />
> No way you can go and redo your GPA?? Is it ... possible? Less than 2.0 GPA essentially means you have failed ... emphasize how low one's GPA is when they seek advice ... in the title extremely low GPA, I am sure he is ...
... this thread and had a GPA question: does anyone know ... your 'actual' GPA differ from the GPA LSAC calculates and why ... obtained abroad in your GPA calculation, but LSAC uses ... really messed up her GPA unfortunately. After all, ... 17 and I had no idea what the LSAC ...
... from corporate law. There is no particular evidence which alludes to ... in corporate law, there's no reason to believe that you ... 165 lowest 160 and my gpa is high so we shall ...
... few people actually graduate with GPA's LSAC will weight ...
This LSAC GPA is the GPA which law schools report ... their most recent class so no school has a median above ... estimare or your actual LSAC GPA from your undergraduate summary report ...
... .
> Cumulative GPA 2.7
> Degree ... the low GPA off due to immaturity (which is no longer the ... show positive improvement on your GPA, schools still have to report ... solely off of your LSAC GPA, which hurts their numbers. Granted ...
... to schools with poor a GPA, but just spends hours and ... now stuck with a cumulative GPA of 2.7. Was I ... school? No. Am I far more prepared now? Yes. If GPA was ...
... by another standardized test. GPA would obviously be more ... others where there was no separation at the top ... . Therefore, at top schools, GPA, work experience, undergraduate institution, ... of work experience, college GPA, and prestige of undergraduate ...
... ;
> The LSAT is no better than the GRE at ... for law school aptitude is no better at predicting law school ... ; they need high GPA people to offset low GPA/high LSAT people ... candidates, likely with very high GPA's (again because we need ...
... send in their apps with no intention of going. Might that ... let Harvard look for higher GPA's at the expense of ... hurt me. Harvard's 25th GPA has generally been creeping up ... if Harvard ditches some lowish GPA's like me and Georgetown ...
... :
Berkley are GPA whores, Yale is tough no matter what your ... GPA/LSAT (even if 180 ... denied many people with 75th GPA/LSAT which is weird, NU ...
... candidates, likely with very high GPA's (again because we need ... get). This bumps up their GPA median, meaning that these previously ... candidates, likely with very high GPA's (again because we need ... . They already get high GPA's with no attached LSAT score.
... for example, the LSAT had no practice tests, did not release ... previous exams, and provided absolutely no warning or preparation as to ... school usually will determine their GPA's, and class ranks, regardless ...