Would it be better off to take the November test and then retake in January or wait off until January to take it for a higher score? And this is for the current cycle!
... of October or beginning of November. On the 7sage Predictor, it ... I apply in October vs. November, but I'm thinnking that ... disadvantage by applying in early November?
... the dates that the November LSAT will be administered ... />
Saturday, November 7, 2020
Sunday, November 8, 2020
Tuesday, November 10, 2020
Wednesday, November 11, 2020
Anyone else who is taking the November LSAT-Flex underestimate how much brain space the election would take up? I know I should turn off the news, but it's SO hard. UGH.
... my first ever LSAT in November and I am pretty happy ... 141 and now on the November Flex Exam I scored a ... up immediately after writing the November exam in a somewhat state ...