Does anyone who has access to the January/Feb CrystalBall webinar mind sharing the link and/or problem sets? I missed out on the webinar and would really appreciate it.
I missed the March PowerScore CrystalBall and on the recent LSAT podcast they said the predictions might be helpful for April as well. Please comment if you have any tips or suggestions noted down from the CrystalBall!
Please might you be able to share detailed information concerning crystalball predictions for the November 2022 sitting of the LSAT? Thanks in advance
I'm planning on taking the LSAT in January2023, yet I'm not finished with the core curriculum. Should I still take it regardless if I finish? This will be my first time taking the LSAT.
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Here's the official January2023 LSAT Discussion Thread.
... time. **For the January2023 LSAT, general discussion of ... after 9pm ET, Wednesday, January 18th.**
January 2023!
**Please keep all discussions of the January2023 ...
Does anyone have the recording for the April/June'23 powerscore crystalball. I registered but did get any additional information. Is there anyone that can share the recording
I have been studying for the lsat for a bit, however certain circumstances have occurred that I am not prepared to be taking the October LSAT, is there still a chance for me to apply to 2023 August if I take the January LSAT?
... 2022 January2023
February 2023
April 2023
June 2023
**January2023 LSAT**
Friday, January 13 and Saturday, January 14 january-2023-lsat-international-administration) ...
... to sign up for the January2023 LSAT (with score preview) to ... test administration (no later than January2023), we will automatically place your ...
... the link.
Pipelineporter, the crystalball provides predictions concerning certain game ... may likely appear on the January 2024 Law School Admission Test ...
The guys at Powerscore put on sessions predicting what's going to be on upcoming LSATs, and the session for the August 2021 sitting happened yesterday.
I missed the session and don't think I can access a recording at this point but was ...
How would you say the retake went? Was it easier, harder, the same? Do you think you did better than your score on the first test? Not sure if powerscore includes these tests that are given in their crystalball prediction or not.