... FREQUENT mental errors and selecting answerchoices that I otherwise would not ... the explanation or the correct answer choice) I went through the ...
... side of each question's answerchoices. When it was time to ... me to instantly see the answer for each question and easily ... accurate than tracking the circled answer for each question and going ... to find a clear-cut answer about whether a test administrator ...
... question. I don't understand answerchoices A and C. If someone ... think you could eliminate this answer choice is the word problem ... advances an analogous situation, this answer choice can be eliminated because ...
... each rule eliminates ONLY 1 answer choice. There are rare instances ... a rule will eliminate 2 answerchoices, but this is rare. After ... I identify an answer choice that a rule eliminates ... next rule after eliminating an answer choice.
... this seemed like the strongest answer choice.
B) The ... all side effects etc. This answer choice says all health hazards ... be banned.
D) This answer choice is irrelevant. Conforming to ... is valid/reasonable and explain answerchoices A and E to me ...
... level of strength of right answerchoices: Section 1 Question 6 and ... relative strength among answerchoices. So if you go through answerchoices and eliminate ... panic. Pick the least bad answer, and don't let it ...
... continue to appear on LR AnswerChoices. For example, "It qualifies the ... events happening concurrently but many answerchoices use the word, "Phenomenon" in ...
... and looking for answerchoices i can notice an answer choice and (mentally ... ) go "yup, thats the right answer" without hesitation or self doubt ...
... . so, when the answerchoices contain a somewhat extreme ... . (duh...)
- The answerchoices describe what the argument did ... we move on to the answerchoices.
- I think ... etc.
- When the answerchoices describe something in categorical terms ...
... H to place. Scanning the answerchoices quickly, you should see E ... and easy, scan through the choices to see if we have ... a could be true, the answer choice will most likely be ... Y. S6 works so our answer will be D (5)
... no idea what the answer is to this question ... the right final two answerchoices but here's where ... stuck and torn between answerchoices B and E and ... like it does Answer choice E seems tricky ... between the two. Both answerchoices seem really good.
... once i get into the answerchoices, i seem to do a ... leaves me to getting the answer choice correct or at the ... are you paraphrasing/ anticipating the answer choice most of the time ...
Hi, just wondering...
So BR is like you review your work by yourself right? Then when do you need to refer to other's explanations?
When you find out your thinking is wrong after seeing the answerchoices? or...