... plan. Just curious how many hours others are putting into studying ... first take I probably did 16 - 20 per week, depending on ... only required to work 35 hours/week. I'd encourage more ... benefits of a few more hours of studying. Instead, picking a ...
... sufficient enough time between taking 16hours for the spring semester and ... manage to get 2-3 hours of LSAT in between class ... for class; possibly 4-5 hours daily on the weekend. Do ...
... you took. Lastly, how many hours a week can you commit ... />
PT 37
LR -10 (16/26 right)
LR -17 ... />
I can easily commit 6 hours Mon-Fri and up to ...
... you took. Lastly, how many hours a week can you commit ... 37
> LR -10 (16/26 right)
> LR ... ; I can easily commit 6 hours Mon-Fri and up to ... 8 hours Sat-Sun.
... put in about 2-3 hours. Typical routine was come home ... more than about 3-4 hours, I'd stop and finish ... means I typically studied about 16hours a week on average. I ...
... ) studying about 6 - 8 hours everyday for the past two ... able to pull of 40 hours + weeks of studying for ... . Though, from Feburary to April I'd say I was ... (averaging perhaps 3 - 4 hours a day, while I was ... LSAT is averaging about 8 hours daily, with my most ...
... job without knowing your schedule, hours, leftover energy, etc. You have ... up for 40 to 45 hours a week depending on workload ... commute is around 1.5 hours each way and I’m ... apartment walking distance from my office, but that would be an ...
... while, so didn't list hours because I only have my ... internship though, and I put hours per week in a bullet ... must promptly inform the Admissions Office in writing if any such ...
... up the street from my office and do a full section ... usually studied about 2-3 hours on weeknights. On Saturday, I ... study for about 4-6 hours. I'd continue doing the ... and then study for several hours on Sunday. Aside from that ...
... March, the scores come back April 19, which is after the ... typical April 15th seat deposit deadline for ... than two kids post-daycare hours) now that my university's ...
... sleep schedule shift to ungodly hours. Don't start the year ... section or call a law office and ask if someone is ... - excuses for enforcement). Commit 4 hours to pounding it into your ...
... . I started studying 3-4 hours a day in May or ... I put in a few hours most weekends, but nothing like ... said, I love my firm, office, and the senior associates/partners ...
... is a little different, but April and May are the busiest ... I work up to 90 hours a week, so there won ... you, adjusted for your busy April and less busy May?
... is a little different, but April and May are the busiest ... I work up to 90 hours a week, so there won ... you, adjusted for your busy April and less busy May?