Looking to form a small study group (5 - 10 People) who are in Central Time or willing to meet on Central Time.
Feel free to drop your email to the discussion and I will add you to a group.
I am taking the April 2021LSAT on Saturday, April 10th... when ... advice/thoughts/other week of LSAT advice is much appreciated, as ... this is my first LSAT and want to make sure ...
I would like to take the LSAT online for the August administration, but I didn't see anywhere to select that when I registered. Will they ask us later or how does it work?
Hello! Does anyone know when you can start signing up for a session for the June LSAT? I'm also curious when the sessions typically are (days of the week, time of day, etc). Thanks!
What days and times are available to take the LSAT? All I see on the website is it says starting August 14th. I would be interested in taking it closer to August 21st in the afternoon.
... been studying for the LSAT on and off for ... year. I took the LSAT twice, scoring a 162 ... . From November 2020-January 2021, I was PT-ing ... I redo or skim the LSAT curriculum as a refresher? ... to take the LSAT again either in August 2021 or October2021.
< ...
Hey guys! I'm looking for a few people to form an online study group for the upcoming August LSAT. I'm in the Eastern Standard Time zone. If you're interested, let me know! Drop your email in the discussionthread or send me a message :smile:
Does anyone know when sign ups for the August 2021LSAT is? I know registration has closed, but when do we pick the date and time of the actual exam? Thanks
... I am enrolled in October2021's LSAT exam and I feel ... started studying for the LSAT fall 2019 (without 7Sage ... focus on LSAT prep. In February-March 2021 after several ... I took the LSAT in April 2021 and totally FROZE ... a month before the OctoberLSAT and I just CAN ...
I don't see a place in lawhub for my OCT 2021LSAT registration. Was the Aug 2021 administered on lawhub? Will the Oct 2021 be administered on lawhub? Thanks.
I can't seem to find a direct answer to this. Will the November LSAT be Flex with 3 graded sections plus an experimental section or will the test be back to normal?