I took the December LSAT after trying to self study with The LSAT Trainer while in season playing volleyball for my university. I was only able to take three practice tests and was scoring in the mid 150s. When I got my score back I was ...
Hello all - curious to know if anyone is near Flemington, NJ. Wanted to see if anyone wanted to meet up on a regular basis to go over the CC and study together. I really need accountability and a study partner.
Hi! Know it's already a little late in the game but hoping I could get some opinions on my PS & DS, any comments/suggestions at all would be greatly appreciated.
So I am taking the Feb lsat and have been studying since November, I have bad test anxiety and wanted to know any suggestions or strategies for test day
Is it seen as unprofessional to use an email address with a number in it? I made it [first name][last name]2122@gmail.com. I wanted a Gmail and it's impossible to make it just my name.