Update: Thanks for your amazing responses, everyone. I’ve been pouring through them, trying to figure out how I would choose from such worthy and gripping accounts, when I finally realized I don’t have to choose. I’m going to change the format instead.
... whether anyone could explain why E is correct.
I was ... not sure about E because it says more than ... than B-, so I thought E cannot be inferred from the ...
Why exactly are C and E incorrect? After mulling over this question for nearly half an hour I can't seem to figure it out.
I'm on my study break and well..... bored.
I figured at this point you've decided that you are going to take it or you aren't sooooo how many people on 7sage are taking the September LSAT? And where? Maybe people can meet up with ...
Is E wrong because it is not about purpose and it also does not talk about whether it is "indifferent" ?
thanks in advnce.
... bit to the extreme, i.e. making that extra assumption, but ... argument did not address. E) I thought this was wrong ... explain answer choices A and E to me, I would be ...